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Kalokuokamaile was a Hawaiian chief and first-born son of Keoua Kalanikupuapaikalaninui and half-brother of Kamehameha the Great who unifed the Hawaiian Islands in 1810.

[edit] Biography

He was born on the island of Maui. His mother was the the High Chiefess Kahikikalaokalani ruler of Hana, Kipahulu and Kaupo. He was Keoua's firstborn son and was deemed "Ka Keiki o Kona wa Heuole," which means the offspring of his beardless youth. At age three his father return to his ancestral home on the Big Island of Hawaii and left Kalokuokamaile to be raised by his mother..".[1]

Years passed and he grew up to be a strong athletic man, of good and mild nature, with no selfish or ambitous motives. His single aim was to secure the happiness and contentment of his people. His mother had died and now he was the ruler of the kingdom in her stead.

He had taken a wife from the neighboring district of Kahikinui and Honuaula, ruled over by a chiefly family of which Kaloiokalani was the only flower. Tiding of her fine qualities had reached Hana. He set out to visit that court and he had to observe th kapu of his family, paying his visits by night. He was happily received by the parents and soon arrangments for the royal nupitals were completed. When the hoao (wedding) had taken place and feasting and dancing ended, Kalokuokamaile made preparations to return to Hana. As Kaloiokalani was a great favorite with her people, the makaaina volunteered to get up a great cavalcade to escort the distinguished couple as far as Kipahulu District. It was said in legends that, so immense was the throng, the procession was mistaken for an invasion by some unknown enemy. However Kalokuokamaile was at last settled at the old family homestead and affairs ran smoothly and lovely. [2]

A bright little girl soon appeared on the scene. They named her Kaohelelani, and she was fated to be their only child. She was verging into maidenhood when he died. His people showed their affectionate regard for him by making his grave on the highest peak of their country, Kauwiki. Upon news of his death reaching his brother Kamehameha I, he decided to take his fatherless niece into his court and for their brother Kealiimaikai to temporalily hold Kaohelelani's land inheritances until she reach majority. Kamehameha conquered Kalanikupule, King of Maui, and partition out, to the chiefs who had aided him, the land that was the rightful ingeritance of his niece.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Pratt, Elizabeth K. (March 27, 2000). Keoua : Father of Kings . Ke Ali'i Pub.Page 15-17
  2. ^ Pratt, Elizabeth K. (March 27, 2000). Keoua : Father of Kings . Ke Ali'i Pub.Page 43-44