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Kalanikukuma was the 13th Alii Aimoku of Kauai. He ruled as titular King or chief of Kauai. He was born around 1555.

Kalanikukuma was son of Kahakumakapaweo, 12th Alii Aimoku of Kauai and Kahakukuka'ena. He followed his father Kahakumakapaweo as King of Kauai. No legend attaches to his name.

Kalani-kukuma married Kapoleikauila and had Kahakumakalina. It was universally conceded that Kapoleikauila, the wife of Kalanikukuma, was a descendant of Laamai-Kahiki's second son, Ahukini-a-Laa, was the lineal descendant of Haulanuiaiakea. It probably was so, for it is undeniable that that union increased immensely the kapu and aristocratic rank of Kalanikukuma's two sons, Kahakumakalina and Ilihewalani.

[edit] Reference

  • Samuel M. Kamakau, Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii, Revised Edition, (Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools Press, 1992).
  • Abraham Fornander, An Account of the Polynesian Race: Its Origin and Migrations, Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969.

[edit] External Links

Preceded by
Alii Aimoku of Kauai Succeeded by