Kalamogdartis family

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The Kalamogdartis family originated from Patras. They settled in the 17th century and are descended from Dimitsana. Its first member was Ioannis Kalamogdartis which settled in Patras. They fled for the island of Zakynthos in 1778 due to the Orlov Revolt. The family ran had a bloodline. Other families included Lontos, Papalexopoulos, Bertiny, Petimezas, Drakopoulos, Green and Papadiamantopoulos. Antonios Kalamogdartis was married to Viktoria Lontou, cousin of Andreas H. Lontos, Eleni Kalamogdarti, related with Ioanni, Avrokomi Kalamogdarti and Richardos Green, Dimitrios Meletopoulos, Maria Kalamogdarti, related with Andreas Kalamogdartis, Bertiny, Theoni Kalamogdarti, related with Andreas, of Karolos Drakopoulos and Kalliopi Kalamogdarti, the third relative of Andreas. Spyros Papalexopoulos and Katina Kalamogdarti, related with Antonios of Neoklis Petimezas.

The family showed large political forms including Antonios, Periklos, Andreas, Panagiotis and Ilias. Its family were took part and produced a prefectural leader, a minister, consul, mayor and others. Today, the surname faded. Its relatives of the family included Theoni Drakopoulou, Titina Georgakopoulou and Andreas Zoiopoulos.

Politics honoured the of the members of the family and a street name in Patras is honoured today after Periklis Kalamogdartis. Importantly under the historic memory of the family it is in which until theeir days with the name Kalamogdartaiika in Vrachneika, it had several hectares of land. In the beginning of the 20th century in Halkomata, a neighbourhood, heard this surname "Wineries of Kalamogdartis", the area which was near the family's house. Georgiou I Square was first named as Kalamogdartis Square. In 1843, Antonios Kalamogdartis had studied the constitution on Patras politicians and ran a family.

Its most famous members of the family include:

  • Andreas Kalamogdartis
  • Antonios Kalamogdartis
  • Periklis Kalamogdartis, mayor of Patras
  • Ilias Kalamogdartis, poet
  • Panagiotis Kalamogdartis, politician
  • Kalliopi Papalexopoulou
  • Theoni Drakopoulou, poetess