Kainji Lake

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Kainji Lake
Location Western Nigeria
Coordinates 10°22′N 4°33′ECoordinates: 10°22′N 4°33′E
Primary inflows Niger River
Primary outflows Niger River
Basin countries Nigeria
Surface area max. 1,243 km²
Max. depth 12.1 m
Water volume 15 km³

Kainji Lake, in western Nigeria, is a reservoir on the Niger River, formed by the Kainji Dam. It was formed in 1968 and is a part of Niger State and Kebbi State. Kainji Lake National Park (KNLP), situated around the lake, is Nigeria's oldest National Park, established in 1976.

[edit] Dam

The Kainji Dam is situated in the south of Niger State and generates power for most towns in Nigeria. It was built from 1964 to 1968 and cost about 209 million dollars, a quarter of which was used to delocate the original population. Together with a smaller dam for a minor stream, it is 10 km long and 65 m high in the middle. It has a capacity of 12 turbines producing a total of 960 MW, but only 10 were installed, producing 800 MW. Part of the production is sold to the neighbouring country of Niger.

[edit] National Park

Kainji Lake National Park (KNLP) (headquarters Wawa) is situated 560 km north of Lagos, close to the border with the Republic of Benin. It comprises two sectors (Borgu and Zugurma) which are separated by Kainji Lake. Only the Borgu (western) sector is currently used for tourism; the Zugurma (eastern) sector lacks infrastructure, including access roads. The topography of the park is gently undulating with a general decrease in elevation from west to east. The Borgu sector is drained mainly by the Oli, Timo and Doro rivers and their tributaries, while the Zugurma sector is drained by the Maingyara and Nuwa Tizururu rivers. The vegetation of the park is typical of the Sudan-Guinea Savanna, although in some areas it appears more Sahelian. Riparian forests occur on the banks of the larger watercourses.

[edit] Conservation issues

Although the area around the park has a relatively low population density, numerous human activities adversely affect the park. These include deforestation, uncontrolled burning and illegal grazing and are particularly prevalent in the Zugurma sector. Wild mammals occur at relatively low densities due to illegal hunting. Lake Kainji has suffered a dramatic decline as a fishery due to the high numbers of artisanal and subsistence fisherfolk using the lake. It has been suggested that a period of closure, together with controlled fishing rights may help improve fish stocks.