Kai Fu

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Kai Fu is a martial art that was developed in the Hawaiian Islands in the 1930s. Kai Fu is derrived from the Japanese martial art Ju-jitsu which came to Hawaii with the surge of Japanese immigrants in the late 1860s. The local Hawaiians already had a martial art called Ohana Lua, which when combined with the new found Ju-jitsu created the martial art Kai Fu as we know it today. Kai Fu came to the main-land United States after World War II when the sailors stationed at Pearl Harbor returned home. The sailors had been taught Kai Fu by the native Hawaiians as a gesture of friendship.

[edit] Composition

According to Dr. James Ketelaar, Professor in History and East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago, when observed, Kai Fu is much more similar to Japanese Ju-jitsu than the Hawaiian Ohana Lua. In fact, Kai fu uses the same rank belt system that Ju-jitsu and Judo have used. The belt colors in ascending order are white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black.

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