K. Gordon Murray
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K. Gordon Murray (1922-1979) was an American producer, most notable for his redubbing and re-releasing of foreign fairy tale films for U.S. audiences. He is often cited as the "King of the Kiddie Matinee".Murray also marketed many of the SANTO films popular in Mexico , changing SANTO'S name to Samson and dubbing them in English. (SOURCE:,; IMDB)
Among his more famous contributions are Little Red Riding Hood (1960), Little Red Riding Hood and the Monsters (1962), Rumpelstiltskin (1955), The Golden Goose (1964) and Santa Claus (1959), which he also narrated under the pseudonym "Ken Smith".
[edit] External links
- "The Wonder World of K. Gordon Murray" documentary site includes an EXCLUSIVE "teaser" trailer for the upcoming feature-length film dedicated to the man who brought you the cult classic's... "SANTA CLAUS", "The Brainiac", "Shanty Tramp", and the US english-language debut of the infamous mexican masked wrestler known as "El Santo" (though renamed by Murray as "Samson").
According to IMDB (INTERNATONAL MOVIE DATA BASE ) K.Gordon Murray died of a heart attack being in debt to the IRS .