Köprülü family

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"Köprülü" is also the Turkish name of a town in the Republic of Macedonia known as Veles (Velissa in Greek).
The town of Vezirköprü in north-central Turkey, formerly named only as Köprü (bridge), whence the name of Köprülü family, holds its present name -literally vizier's bridge- from the same family.

The Köprülü family was an Ottoman noble family originating from Albania. The family provided six (including Kara Mustafa Pasha who was a stepson) Ottoman Grand Viziers, with several others becoming high-ranking officers. Notable modern descendants include Mehmet Fuat Köprülü, a prominent historian of Turkish literature. Members of the family continue to live in Turkey or the United States.

[edit] Köprülü Grand Viziers

In the History of the Ottoman Empire the Köprülü Viziers have a reputation for dynamism in a state that would later show signs of decline and stagnation. The early viziers in particular focused on military campaigns that extended the Empire's power. This, however came to an end after the disastrous Battle of Vienna launched by Kara Mustafa Pasha (see also the Treaty of Karlowitz).

Name Lived in Grand Vizier in Sultan(s)
Köprülü Mehmet Pasha 15831661 1656–1661 Mehmed IV
Köprülü Fazıl Ahmet Pasha 16351676 1661–1676 Mehmed IV
Kara Mustafa Pasha1 16341683 1676–1683 Mehmed IV,
Suleiman II
Köprülü Fazıl Mustafa Pasha 16371691 1689–1691 Suleiman II,
Ahmed II
Köprülü Hüseyin Pasha died in 1702 1697–1702 Mustafa II
Köprülü Numan Pasha died in 1719 1710–1711 Ahmed III
Name Lived in Vizier in Sultan(s)
Köprülü Abdullah Pasha died in 1735 1723–1735 Ahmed III,
Mahmud I

1 Kara Mustafa Pasha had been adopted by the Köprülü family and was the brother-in-law of Köprülü Fazıl Ahmet Pasha.

[edit] See also