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I am from Toronto, Ontario, Canada but of italian background. As you can tell from my name, I am a big fan of the Juventus Football Club of Torino, Italy. I discovered wikipedia in 2005 and it has now become one of my main sources of reference when I need a quick and correct answer.


[edit] My private sandbox

Day 8 - October 21, 2006
Home Team Away Team
Arezzo Spezia
Bari Treviso
Frosinone Piacenza
Genoa Cesena
Mantova Bologna
Modena Lecce
Napoli Crotone
Pescara Vicenza
Rimini 2 0 Brescia
Triestina Juventus
Verona Oct 23 AlbinoLeffe
Day 9 - October 28, 2006
Home Team Away Team
AlbinoLeffe Napoli
Bologna Vicenza
Brescia Oct 27 Modena
Cesena Arezzo
Crotone Rimini
Juventus Frosinone
Lecce Triestina
Piacenza Bari
Spezia Pescara
Treviso Mantova
Verona Oct 30 Genoa
Day 10 - November 4, 2006
Home Team Away Team
Arezzo Lecce
Bari Spezia
Frosinone Bologna
Genoa Crotone
Mantova Cesena
Modena Piacenza
Napoli Juventus
Pescara Treviso
Rimini AlbinoLeffe
Triestina Brescia
Vicenza Verona

[edit] Round by round - WORK IN PROCESS

18.Sep.2000 DAY 01 - DAY 19 19.Feb.2001
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0
0-0 TEAM - TEAM 0-0

Round 4
9 Oct. 1932 12 Mar. 1933
5-2 Atalanta - Grion Pola 1-2
1-1 Cagliari - Pistoiese 0-2
1-1 Legnano - Cremonese 2-0
2-0 Messina - Modena 0-4
0-0 Monfalcone - Novara
2-0 Sampierdar. - Comense 0-1
1-2 Serenissima - Livorno 1-4
0-0 Spezia - Brescia 2-1
2-1 Verona - Vigevanese 1-2

Round 7
6 Nov. 1932 9 Apr. 1933
1-0 Brescia - Pistoiese 2-0
1-0 Cagliari - Messina 0-3
3-0 Comense - Legnano 0-4
2-2 Grion Pola - Verona 0-3
2-1 Livorno - Atalanta 2-1
5-2 Modena - Sampierdar. 0-2
Monfalcone - Spezia
1-1 Novara - Vigevanese 2-0
2-3 Serenissima - Cremonese 2-1

Round 10
4 Dec. 1932 30 Apr. 1933
7-0 Atalanta - Spezia 1-1
2-0 Brescia - Legnano 0-0
Comense - Monfalcone
1-1 Cremonese - Verona 0-2
1-1 Messina - Livorno 0-7
6-2 Novara - Cagliari 0-1
3-0 Pistoiese - Grion Pola 1-2
1-0 Sampierdar. - Serenissima 0-0
2-1 Vigevanese - Modena 1-3

Round 13
8 Jan. 1933 28 May 1933
1-2 Atalanta - Modena 1-6
Cagliari - Monfalcone
2-2 Cremonese - Sampierdar. 0-2
0-1 Grion Pola - Brescia 0-5
1-1 Livorno - Vigevanese 1-0
2-1 Messina - Legnano 0-2
4-1 Novara - Comense 2-4
2-0 Pistoiese - Serenissima 0-3
5-0 Verona - Spezia 1-1

Round 16
29 Jan. 1933 18 Jun. 1933
1-0 Atalanta - Vigevanese 0-3
0-0 Cagliari - Brescia 0-1
3-1 Livorno - Novara 2-2
3-1 Modena - Comense 2-3
2-3 Pistoiese - Cremonese 1-4
Sampierdar. - Monfalcone
3-1 Serenissima - Grion Pola 0-0
3-2 Spezia - Legnano 2-3
0-0 Verona - Messina 0-3
Round 2
25 Sep. 1932 26 Feb. 1933
1-0 Brescia - Livorno 1-3
2-1 Comense - Atalanta 3-0
1-1 Cremonese - Spezia 0-0
2-2 Modena - Verona 2-2
1-2 Monfalcone - Legnano
1-1 Novara - Grion Pola 2-1
5-1 Sampierdar. - Cagliari 0-4
2-1 Serenissima - Messina 2-3
2-0 Vigevanese - Pistoiese 0-0

Round 5
16 Oct. 1932 19 Mar. 1933
2-1 Brescia - Atalanta 2-1
3-2 Comense - Cagliari 0-2
1-2 Grion Pola - Legnano 0-0
5-0 Livorno - Cremonese 1-1
4-1 Messina - Spezia 0-0
7-2 Modena - Monfalcone
0-1 Novara - Pistoiese 0-0
4-1 Serenissima - Verona 0-2
4-2 Vigevanese - Sampierdar. 0-3

Round 8
13 Nov. 1932 16 Apr. 1933
Atalanta - Monfalcone
1-1 Cagliari - Livorno 1-2
0-1 Cremonese - Modena 0-2
4-1 Pistoiese - Legnano 1-2
2-0 Sampierdar. - Messina 1-1
2-0 Serenissima - Novara 0-1
3-1 Spezia - Grion Pola 1-4
1-2 Verona - Brescia 1-3
1-0 Vigevanese - Comense 0-4

Round 11
11 Dec. 1932 21 May 1933
1-1 Cagliari - Atalanta 0-6
0-2 Cremonese - Novara 2-2
4-2 Grion Pola - Sampierdar. 0-6
4-1 Livorno - Legnano 1-0
0-0 Modena - Brescia 0-1
Monfalcone - Messina
1-1 Serenissima - Comense 0-1
2-1 Spezia - Vigevanese 0-1
2-1 Verona - Pistoiese 0-2

Round 14
12 Feb. 1933 4 Jun. 1933
Brescia - Monfalcone
0-0 Comense - Verona 0-0
3-2 Cremonese - Grion Pola 2-3
1-1 Messina - Atalanta 3-1
2-0 Modena - Livorno 1-4
2-3 Sampierdar. - Novara 1-0
3-1 Serenissima - Cagliari 0-3
1-0 Spezia - Pistoiese 2-0
1-1 Vigevanese - Legnano 4-2

Round 17
5 Feb. 1933 25 Jun. 1933
1-0 Brescia - Serenissima 1-2
0-1 Cagliari - Spezia 1-4
3-0 Comense - Pistoiese 1-0
3-2 Cremonese - Messina 0-6
0-2 Grion Pola - Livorno 0-8
2-0 Legnano - Atalanta 3-4
Monfalcone - Vigevano
3-0 Novara - Modena 1-3
2-3 Verona - Sampierdar. 2-2
Round 3
2 Oct. 1932 26 Feb. 1933
2-0 Atalanta - Sampierdar. 2-1
5-0 Brescia - Vigevanese 0-1
1-0 Cagliari - Modena 1-1
5-2 Cremonese - Comense 0-1
2-1 Grion Pola - Monfalcone
2-1 Legnano - Serenissima 1-1
2-1 Livorno - Spezia 1-1
3-3 Pistoiese - Messina 1-2
2-2 Verona - Novara 3-2

Round 6
23 Oct. 1932 26 Mar. 1933
6-1 Atalanta - Novara 1-4
4-2 Cremonese - Cagliari 2-3
1-2 Legnano - Modena 2-5
2-4 Messina - Como 0-2
2-0 Pistoiese - Monfalcone
2-3 Sampierdar. - Brescia 1-2
3-1 Spezia - Serenissima 0-2
0-2 Verona - Livorno 0-1
1-1 Vigevanese - Grion Pola 1-2

Round 9
20 Nov. 1932 23 Apr. 1933
1-3 Grion Pola - Comense 0-2
1-1 Legnano - Cagliari 0-2
1-0 Livorno - Pistoiese 0-0
2-3 Messina - Vigevanese 0-0
1-0 Modena - Serenissima 1-0
Monfalcone - Cremonese
2-0 Novara - Brescia 0-2
2-0 Spezia - Sampierdar. 2-2
1-0 Verona - Atalanta 3-2

Round 12
12 Dec. 1932 ? May 1933
3-0 Brescia - Messina 1-0
1-2 Cagliari - Grion Pola 0-1
0-4 Comense - Livorno 2-4
1-1 Legnano - Novara 0-2
Monfalcone - Verona
3-1 Sampierdar. - Pistoiese 2-1
4-0 Serenissima - Atalanta 1-2
2-0 Spezia - Modena 1-0
1-0 Vigevanese - Cremonese 1-6

Round 15
22 Jan. 1933 11 Jun. 1933
3-0 Brescia - Cremonese 2-0
1-2 Comense - Spezia 1-4
2-3 Grion Pola - Modena 3-2
2-0 Legnano - Verona 2-3
1-0 Livorno - Sampierdar. 0-1
Monfalcone - Serenissima
6-0 Novara - Messina 1-5
1-1 Pistoiese - Atalanta 1-0
6-0 Vigevanese - Cagliari 1-3

[edit] Regional Representation

Club Names
Monza, Pro Patria, Cremonese, Pro Sesto, Pizzighettone, Pavia
Grosseto, Pisa, Lucchese, Pistoiese, Massese, Sangiovannese
Venezia, Cittadella, Padova
Novara, Ivrea
Sassuolo, Ravenna
Republic of San Marino

Cavese Foggia Taranto Perugia Juve Stabia Sambenedettese Manfredonia Salernitana Gallipoli Lanciano Ternana Martina Teramo Ancona San Marino Giulianova

[edit] 2006/2007 results

[edit] Current results

Day 40 - May 26, 07
Home Team Away Team
AlbinoLeffe 2 3 Bari
Brescia 3 0 Vicenza
Crotone 2 3 Frosinone
Genoa 3 0 Pescara
Juventus 2 0 Mantova
Lecce 2 0 Cesena
Modena 1 0 Triestina
Piacenza 2 1 Spezia
Rimini 0 2 Arezzo
Treviso 1 1 Bologna
Verona 1 3 Napoli
Day 41 - June 3, 07
Home Team Away Team
Arezzo 0 0 Modena
Bari 1 0 Juventus
Bologna 2 1 Crotone
Cesena 0 1 Verona
Frosinone 2 0 AlbinoLeffe
Mantova 1 0 Genoa
Napoli 1 0 Lecce
Pescara 1 3 Brescia
Spezia 1 2 Treviso
Triestina 1 1 Rimini
Vicenza 1 2 Piacenza

Day 42 - June 10, 07
Home Team Away Team
AlbinoLeffe 2 5 Bologna
Brescia 4 2 Cesena
Crotone 0 1 Vicenza
Genoa 0 0 Napoli
Juventus 2 3 Spezia
Lecce 4 1 Pescara
Modena 2 1 Frosinone
Piacenza 1 1 Triestina
Rimini 2 1 Mantova
Treviso 1 3 Arezzo
Verona 4 2 Bari

Following the sanctions, Juventus played outside the top flight for the first time in their history, leaving Internazionale as the only Italian club never to have been relegated. The team made its Serie B debut on September 9, 2006, earning their first ever point in Serie B with a 1-1 draw away to Rimini.

After that, Juventus won its next eight games, scoring 16 goals and conceding just one. The winning streak ended with a 1-1 draw at Napoli. In that game, goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon's streak of not conceding a goal ended at 733 minutes. Against Albinoleffe, Buffon was shown the red card for the first time in his career and conceded a penalty, but a 10-man Juve team managed to draw the game. They were undefeated in Serie B until the team lost at Mantova on Jan. 14, 2007.

On December 15, 2006, Juventus youth team Berretti players Alessio Ferramosca and Riccardo Neri, both 17 years old, drowned in a lake at the Vinovo training centre in Turin, apparently when trying to recover a football that had fallen into the ice-cold water. The Juventus vs Cesena (Serie B) game scheduled for that day was cancelled due to the tragedy. [25]

On May 19, 2007, after a 5-1 away win at Arezzo on the 39th matchday, Juventus was mathematically promoted to Serie A. This was however followed seven days later by Deschamps' resignations following clashes with the society, particularly director of football Alessio Secco.[26] This was initially denied by Juventus, which however confirmed to have accepted Deschamps' resignations later on following the home league match of May 26 ended in a 2-0 win to Mantova.[27] Giancarlo Corradini was appointed to coach the team for the two final Serie B matches, and on June 3 Claudio Ranieri was announced new Juventus boss for the 2007-08 season

[edit] Serie C1/A

Team Pts GP W D L GF GA Comments 2006-07
1. Cittadella 16 7 5 1 1 13 7 Promotion to Serie B 6th
2. Sassuolo 15 7 5 0 2 10 9 Promotion playoffs 2nd
3. Padova 14 7 4 2 1 10 6 Promotion playoffs
4. Cremonese 13 7 4 1 2 8 8 Promotion playoffs
5. Foligno 12 7 3 3 1 10 5 Promotion playoffs
6. Venezia 12 7 3 3 1 9 5
7. Novara 12 7 4 0 3 10 9
8. Monza 11 7 3 2 2 9 7
9. Lecco 11 7 3 2 2 8 9
10. Pro Patria 10 7 2 4 1 4 3
11. Pro Sesto 9 7 2 3 2 7 7
12. Legnano 8 7 2 2 3 8 7
13. Manfredonia 8 7 2 2 3 6 7
14. Ternana 7 7 2 1 4 4 9 Relegation playoffs
15. Foggia 6 7 1 3 3 7 11 Relegation playoffs
16. Cavese 4 7 0 4 3 6 10 Relegation playoffs
17. Verona 2 7 0 2 5 4 9 Relegation playoffs
18. Paganese 1 7 0 1 6 6 12 Relegation to Serie C2

[edit] Week 2: vs. San Diego Chargers

1 2 3 4 Total
Chargers 0 0 7 7 14
Patriots 14 10 7 7 38

at Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, Massachusetts

The Patriots' home opener was a rematch from the 2006 divisional playoffs, against the Chargers. For the second consecutive week, the game began with a touchdown on the Patriots' first series: this time, Brady hit Watson for a 7-yard touchdown pass to give the Patriots a 7-0 lead. On the first play of the ensuing Chargers possession, their first, linebacker Rosevelt Colvin intercepted a Philip Rivers pass, but it did not translate into points for the Patriots as Gostkowski then missed a 41-yard field goal attempt on the ensuing series. On their next possession, the Patriots capped off a 75-yard drive with a Moss 23-yard touchdown reception. Colvin then added a sack and forced fumble to his game statistics, as he strip-sacked Rivers and defensive lineman Vince Wilfork recovered the fumble for the Patriots' second forced turnover of the game. This set-up a 24-yard Gostkowski field goal to give the Patriots a 17-0 lead. By halftime, the score stood at 24-0 in favor of the Patriots after linebacker Adalius Thomas intercepted a Rivers pass and returned it 65 yards for a touchdown.

The Chargers responded with a 72-yard touchdown drive of their own to start the second half, but another Moss touchdown, this one from 23 yards out, gave the Patriots a 31-7 lead. The teams traded touchdowns again in the fourth quarter: the Patriots answered a 12-yard Antonio Gates reception for the Chargers with a drive that consumed over 10 minutes of clock time, culminating in a 3-yard Sammy Morris run for the final points of the game. With their second 38-14 win of the season, the Patriots' record stood at 2-0.