Jump The Gut

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Jump The Gut was one of the first Gorilla Bites that were used to promote the first Gorillaz album.

In the short clip, 2D, vocalist and keyboarder of the band, makes an attempt to jump over sleeping Russel, the drummer, on a bike (The setting appears to be the roadway from the 19-2000 video, possibly during a break in the "shoot" of the video.) He is first seen pedaling the bike in place. Meanwhile, Del tha Funkee Homosapien (rapper) and Noodle (guitarist) are betting on whether or not 2D will make the jump, Noodle betting that he will and Del betting that he won't. The amount that Noodle bets is £1500.[citation needed]

2D then lets go of the brakes and pedals towards a ramp set in front of Russel. In an attempt to jump over Russel's bloated gut, he misses, and the bike lands directly atop Russel's stomach. 2D flies off the bike and onto the road, skinning his knee. On the Gorillaz chatboards, 2D stated he was sent to the hospital for hurting his shin. In the meantime, Del gets sucked back into Russel's head as Russel wakes up, causing him to drop all of the money he was betting on to the ground; Noodle immediately picks it up. Russel then threatens 2D by saying that he's going to "jump you next time you're asleep- and I don't think either one of us is going to make it." 2D responds with a speech bubble showing a picture of a turd (Meaning that he was saying "Crap" or "Shit"). The short clip then ends with the traditional Gorillaz Bite ending.[who?]

In the United States, the clip was occasionally shown as filler between programs on MTV2.

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