Julia Duffy (Axis of Time)

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In John Birmingham's Axis of Time trilogy, Julia Duffy is a New York Times reporter who was born on July 20, 1989, Pre-Transition Timeline. She was embedded with the 82nd Marine Expeditionary Unit when the UNPROFLEETwas caught in a temporal displacement which relocated the force to the year 1942.


[edit] Early Life

Julia Duffy spent most of her childhood in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, a suburb just outside of the Metropolitan Kansas City Area. She was raised by her father who was employed at the Ford Automotive Plant in nearby Claycomo, Missouri until he had the misfortune of being laid off before Christmas. Her expert shooting ability, rumored to rival that of Marines in the 82nd MEU, can be directly traced to weekend deer hunts with her father.

She earned a journalism scholarship to the University of Kansas in her senior year at Excelsior Springs High School.

[edit] Weapons of Choice

[edit] Designated Targets

[edit] Final Impact

During Operation Overlord, Julia Duffy was embedded with the U.S. Army's Seventh Air Cavalry Regiment. She fast roped into Calais, France with Lieutenant Amundson's platoon. Over the course of the next few days as her embedded unit took heavy losses, to include Lt. Amundson, Julia Duffy used her superior night vision equipment to aid U.S. Forces in neutralizing a German Ambush site.

When the Seventh Cavalry was sent back to England for refit, she was embedded to the 761st Tank Battalion under the care of Captain Prather. It was in this unit that General George S. Patton took charge and kept her with his headquarters detachment during the night engagement with German Panzers.

[edit] Embedded Reporter Qualifications

Duffy is qualified for close level combat and tactical briefings up to and including level 4. Additional combat qualifications include fast rope insertion, heliborne insertion, and airborne insertion.

By the events of the novel Final Impact, Julia Duffy was carrying a comtemporary production M-4 Carbine as her personal weapon. When embedded, she adopts the equipment, uniforms and kit of the host unit. As such, she is virtually indistinguishable from her military peers.

[edit] Fiscal Self Sufficiency

Memories of her father's impoverished state has always driven Julia to maintain a high level of personal wealth. Between her judicious sale of many rather useless uptime electronic artifacts and her salary with the Contemporary Era New York Times, Julia Duffy is a woman of considerable wealth rivaling that of many of America's leading families.

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