Judith Quiney

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Judith Shakespeare's "pigtail" signature. The surname was added by a scribe.
Judith Shakespeare's "pigtail" signature. The surname was added by a scribe.
"Judith Shakespeare" redirects here. For Virginia Woolf's fictional Judith, see A Room of One's Own

Judith Quiney (née Shakespeare) (baptised February 2, 1585 – buried February 9, 1662) was the daughter of William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway, and the fraternal twin of Hamnet Shakespeare. She was married February 10, 1616 to Thomas Quiney, a vintner of Stratford-upon-Avon, in Holy Trinity Church. The marriage was called into question for failing to obtain the necessary license, but this was quickly resolved in the Consistory court. On March 26, 1616, Thomas was again brought to court, only a month after the marriage, for impregnating a Margaret Wheeler, who at the time was quite a bit younger than Anne and Thomas. The marriage and Thomas' conduct caused William Shakespeare to rewrite his will: Thomas was struck out and Judith's inheritance attached with provisions to safeguard it from her husband, and the bulk of Shakespeare's estate was left—in an elaborate fee tail—to his elder daughter Susanna and her male heirs. Strangely enough the couple remained together and it is said that this was to avoid the humiliation of divorce.

Eventually, the couple settled in Stratford-upon-Avon; Thomas may have left the town some years before his death, but Judith lived in Stratford until she died. Judith brought a cottage in Chapel Lane into the marriage, and Thomas held the lease to a house called “Atwood's”. The cottage passed to Judith's sister Susanna as part of the settlement of their father's will, and Thomas traded Atwood's to his brother-in-law in return for a house known as “The Cage”. Around 1630, Thomas tried to sell the lease but was stopped by kinsmen, and the house was settled in trust with Judith's relatives.


[edit] Birth and early life

Judith Shakespeare was the younger sister of Susanna Hall and the twin sister of Hamnet Shakespeare.[1][2] Her baptism February 2, 1585 is recorded, by vicar Richard Barton of Coventry, in the parish register for Holy Trinity Church.[1][2] Judith and Hamnet were named after Hamnet Sadler and his wife, Judith.[1] Sadler was a baker in Stratford-upon-Avon, and the couple were friends of Judith and Hamnet's parents.

Despite being the daughter of the world's greatest playwright, Judith was probably illiterate.[3] In 1611, when asked to witness a deed of sale for a house belonging to her sister-in-law, Elizabeth Quiney, and her son, Adrian Quiney, she twice signed with a simple mark, rather than her name.[4][5]

[edit] Marriage to Thomas Quiney

Rough blueprint of Stratford's Holy Trinity Church, where Judith was married.
Rough blueprint of Stratford's Holy Trinity Church, where Judith was married.

On February 10, 1616 Judith married Thomas Quiney, a vintner of Stratford-upon-Avon, in Holy Trinity Church; the assistant vicar Richard Watts, who later married Thomas's sister Mary, probably officiated.[6] The wedding took place during the Lenten prohibited season, which in 1616 started on January 23rd (Septuagesima Sunday) and ended on April 7th (Sunday after Easter), and hence required a special license from the Bishop of Worcester that the couple failed to obtain.[6] They presumably posted the required banns in church since a Walter Wright of Stratford-upon-Avon was cited for marrying without banns or license, but this was not sufficient.[6] The infraction was a minor one, and apparently caused by the minister as three other couples were also wed that February, but Thomas Quiney was still summoned by Walter Nixon to appear before the Consistory court in Worcester.[7] The same Walter Nixon later appears in a Star Chamber case where he is found guilty of signature forgery and taking bribes.[7] Thomas failed to appear on the requisite date and the register records the judgement as excommunication on or about March 12, 1616.[7] It is not known whether Judith was also excommunicated, but in any case it did not last long; in November of the same year they were back in church for the baptism of their first-born child.[7]

The marriage did not start on the best of terms; before marrying Judith, Thomas had impregnated a Margaret Wheeler.[8] Both mother and child died in childbirth and were buried on March 15, 1616, and on March 26, 1616 Thomas appeared before the Bawdy Court that, among other things, dealt with “whoredom and uncleanliness”.[8] Thomas confessed in open court to “carnal copulation” with Margaret Wheeler and submitted himself for correction.[8] He was sentenced to open penance “in a white sheet (according to custom)” three Sundays before the Congregation, and to admit to his crime — this time in ordinary clothes — before the Minister of Bishopton.[8] The first part of the sentence was remitted, essentially letting him off with a five shilling fine given to use for the parish's poor, and since Bishopton had no church, only a chapel, he was spared public humiliation.[8]

[edit] Chapel Lane, Atwood's and The Cage

Judith was in possession of her father's cottage on the street known as Chapel Lane in Stratford-upon-Avon, and Thomas Quiney had, since 1611, had the lease on the tavern called “Atwood's” on High Street.[9] The cottage in Chapel Lane passed from Judith to her older sister as part of the settlement in William Shakespeare's will, and in July 1616 Thomas swapped houses with his brother-in-law, William Chandler, and moved his vintner shop to the upper half of a house at the corner of High Street and Bridge Street.[10] This house was known as “The Cage” and is the house traditionally associated with Judith.[11] In the 20th century “The Cage” was for a time a Wimpy Bar, before being turned into the Stratford Information Office.[11]

“The Cage” provides further insights into why Judith's father did not trust his son-in-law. Around 1630 Thomas tried to sell the lease on the house, but was prevented by his kinsmen.[12] In 1633, to protect the interests of Judith and the children, the lease was signed over to the trust of John Hall (Judith's brother-in-law), Thomas Nash (her niece Elizabeth's husband), and the vicar of nearby Harbury, Richard Watts (Thomas' brother-in-law, and the vicar who officiated at Thomas and Judith's wedding) in order to protect the interests of Judith and the children.[12] Eventually, in November 1652, the lease to “The Cage” ended up in the hands of Thomas' eldest brother, Richard Quiney, who was a grocer in London.[12]

[edit] William Shakespeare's last will and testament

Nash's House, standing adjacent to the site of New Place
Nash's House, standing adjacent to the site of New Place

The inauspicious beginning of Judith's marriage [6] has led to speculation that this was the cause for William Shakespeare's hastily altered last will and testament.[13] He first summoned his lawyer Francis Collins in January, and then on March 25, 1616 made further alterations; probably because he was dying and his son-in-law's actions were not inspiring much confidence.[13]

In his will, in the first bequest, is written “vnto my sonne in L[aw]” but the “sonne in L[aw]” is struck out and Judith inserted in its stead.[14] To his daughter he bequeaths £100 “in discharge of her marriage porcion”, another £50 on the condition that she relinquish all interest in the Chapel Lane cottage, and, if she or any of her children are still alive at the end of three years following the date of his will, a further £150 of which she is to receive the interest, but not the principal.[14] He explicitly holds this money away from Thomas Quiney, unless he bestows on Judith lands of equal value. In a separate bequest he also gives Judith “my broad silver gilt bole”.[14]

Finally, for the bulk of his estate — including his main house “New Place”, his two houses on Henley Street, and various lands in and around Stratford-upon-Avon — he sets up an entail; giving the estate to his other daughter Susanna Hall, and after her death “to the first sonne of her bodie lawfullie yssueing & to the heires Males of the bodie of the saied first Sonne lawfullie yssueing”, or for default to the second son and his male heirs, or to the third son and his male heirs, or the same for her “ffourth … ffyfth sixte & Seaventh sonnes” and their male heirs, or for default to Elizabeth Hall — Susanna and John Hall's only child — and her male heirs, and only then to Judith and her male heirs, or finally to whatever heirs the law would normally recognise.[14] This rather elaborate entail is usually taken to indicate that Judith's husband was not to be trusted with Shakespeare's inheritance, though some speculate that it may simply indicate that Susanna was the favoured daughter.[14]

[edit] Children

Judith and Thomas had three children: Shakespeare (baptised November 23, 1616 — buried May 8, 1617), Richard (baptised February 9, 1618 — buried February 6, 1639), and Thomas (baptised January 23, 1620 — buried January 28, 1639).[15] Shakespeare was named for his famous grandfather, and Richard was a common name in the Quiney family; his grandfather was named Richard, and he had an uncle named Richard who worked as a grocer in London.[15]

Judith outlived all of her children. Shakespeare died at the age of six months and was buried on May 8, 1617.[15] Richard and Thomas were both buried within a month of each other (they likely died of the plague), in 1639; 19 and 21 years old.[15] The death of Judith's last child had legal consequences; the entail on her father's inheritance led her sister Susanna Hall, with her daughter and son-in-law, to make a settlement — in a rather elaborate legal device — of the inheritance on that part of the family.[16] This legal wrangling continued for another thirteen years, until 1652.

[edit] Death

Judith was buried on February 9, 1662; outliving her last child by twenty-two years.[17][18] She was buried on the grounds of Holy Trinity Church, but the exact location of her grave is not known.[18] Of Thomas Quiney the records show little. It is speculated that he may have died in 1662 or 1663 when the parish burial records are incomplete, or that he may have left Stratford.[17][18] He certainly had a nephew in London, who by this time held the lease to The Cage.

[edit] Literary references

Shakespeare's second daughter unwisely allows a young man to have a preliminary look at her father's manuscript of The Tempest, a scene from William Black's Judith Shakespeare, illustrated by Edwin Austin Abbey
Shakespeare's second daughter unwisely allows a young man to have a preliminary look at her father's manuscript of The Tempest, a scene from William Black's Judith Shakespeare, illustrated by Edwin Austin Abbey

Judith is the subject of the novel My Father Had a Daughter: Judith Shakespeare's Tale by Grace Tiffany.[19] She is portrayed in William Black's Judith Shakespeare: Her Love Affairs and Other Adventures, published serially in Harper's Magazine in 1884. Judith also appears in one of the final stories in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman graphic novel. Gaiman draws allusions between Judith and the character of Miranda in The Tempest.[20]

In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf created a 'Judith Shakespeare' to make a point about the struggle a female poet and playwright would have had in the Elizabethan period. Woolf wondered why there were so few talented females from the era: "What I find deplorable," she once observed, "is that nothing is known about women before the eighteenth century." Woolf's Judith was created in an attempt to fill this historical gap. Hers is the story of William Shakespeare's sister, denied the education of her brother despite her obvious talent. When her father tries to marry her off, she runs away to join a theatre company but is ultimately rejected because of her sex. She becomes pregnant, is abandoned by her partner, and commits suicide. Besides their similar names and setting, there is no direct connection between Judith, Shakespeare's daughter, and Woolf's fictional creation.[21]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Chambers, Edmund Kerchever (1930). William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, I. p. 18. “Susanna was baptized on 26 May 1583; Hamnet and Judith in 1585. While guesses at names of godparents are idle where commonplace names are concerned, those of the twins, which are unusual, point to Hamlet Sadler, a baker of Stratford, and his wife Judith.” 
  2. ^ a b Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 94. “[…] the twins were christened […] on 2 February 1585. Richard Barton of Coventry […] officiated[.]” 
  3. ^ Chambrun, Clara Longworth. Shakespeare, actor-poet,: As seen by his associates, explained by himself and remembered by the succeeding generation D. Appleton and Co (1927). pg. 223. ASIN B000858JBE
  4. ^ Schoenbaum, Samuel (1970). Shakespeare's Lives. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p.28. OCLC 94533. “In 1611 she twice made her mark as witness to a deed for the sale of a house belonging to Elizabeth Quiney and her eldest son Adrian.” 
  5. ^ Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 318. “[Judith] was even less of a scholar, if we may judge from the fact that when in 1611 she witnessed a deed of Elizabeth Quiney and her son Adrian, she twice signed by mark.” 
  6. ^ a b c d Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 292. “[Thomas] came from an unexceptionable family. […] On 10 February 1616 ‘Tho[mas] Queeny’ was wed ‘to Judith Shakspere’, the assistant vicar Richard Watts probably officiating—he signed the marriage register this month. (Watts later married Quiney's sister Mary.) […] Because the ceremony took place during the Lenten prohibited season that in 1616 began on 28 January (Septuagesima Sunday) and ended on April 7 (the Sunday after Easter), the couple should have secured a special license from the Bishop of Worcester. They did not do so, although presumably they published banns in the parish church.” 
  7. ^ a b c d Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 293. “Wthout a license the minister was at fault in conducting the service. […] Thomas and Judith were cited to the consistory court in Worcester Cathedral. Thomas did not come on the appointed day, and was excommunicated. Possibly Judith suffered the same fate […]. The offence was not serious. Others married in Lent—three weddings took place in Holy Trinity that February—and the Quineys may have just [fallen] victim to an apparitor hungry for a fee. Walter Nixon, who summoned them, [later faced] accusations in Star Chamber of taking bribes and [forgery]. The excommunication […] lasted only a short while, for before the year was out the Quineys were at the font to have their first-born christened in Stratford church.” 
  8. ^ a b c d e Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 293-294. “Before marrying, [Thomas] had got a Margaret Wheeler with child […]. [A] month after the […] wedding, the unfortunate woman died in childbirth, and her infant with her. The parish register records both burials on 15 March. […] ‘whoredom and uncleanness’ […] fell within the purview of the […] bawdy court […]. [The] apparitor Richard Greene […] summoned [Thomas]. The act book records the hearing and sentence on Tuesday, 26 March. In open court Thomas confessed to having had carnal copulation with [Margaret Wheeler], and submitted himself to correction. The judge, vicar John Rogers, sentenced [him] to perform open penance in a white sheet, according to custom, in the church on three successive Sundays before the whole congregation. But the penalty was remitted. In effect Thomas got off for 5s […] for the use of the poor of the parish, and the vicar ordered him to acknowledge his crime, in ordinary attire, before the minister of Bishopton. […] Bishopton had no church of its own, only a chapel; so Quiney was spared public humiliation.” 
  9. ^ Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 292. “Thomas became a vintner in Stratford; we hear of him selling wine to the corporation in 1608. Three years later he leased, for use as a tavern, the little house called ‘Atwood's’ near the top of the High Street, next door to his mother.” 
  10. ^ Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 294. “In July 1616 Thomas exchanged houses with his brother-in-law William Chandler, and moved into the more spacious and imposing structure called The Cage at the corner of the High Street and Bridge Street. There, in the upper half, Quiney set up his vintner's shop, and also dealt in tobacco.” 
  11. ^ a b Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 5. 
  12. ^ a b c Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 295. “Around 1630 he tried to sell the lease of The Cage, but his kinsmen stopped him, and in 1633 assigned the lease in trust to a triumvirate consisting of Dr. Hall, Hall's son-in-law Thomas Nash, and Richard Watts, now Quiney's brother-in-law and the vicar of Harbury. This move protected the interests of Judith and the children. Obviously Thomas was not to be trusted. In November 1652 The Cage lease was made over to Richard Quiney, the London grocer.” 
  13. ^ a b Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 297. “During the winter of 1616 Shakespeare summoned his lawyer Francis Collins […]. […] Revisions were necessitated by the marriage of Judith, with its aftermath of the Margaret Wheeler affair. The lawyer came on 25 March. […] Shakespeare was dying that March, although he would linger for another month.” 
  14. ^ a b c d e Chambers, Edmund Kerchever (1930). William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, ii. pp. 169-180. 
  15. ^ a b c d Chambers, Edmund Kerchever (1930). William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, ii. pp. 8,11,104. 
  16. ^ Chambers, Edmund Kerchever (1930). William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, ii. p. 179. “Judith Quiney's last child died in February 1639. Steps were taken to bar the entail. A settlement of ‘the inheritance of William Shakespeere gent. deceased’ was made by Susanna [Hall] and the Nashs on 27 May 1639, and was followed by fines and a fictitious legal action. Possibly Judith was compensated. Her expectation was small, and in fact she predeceased Elizabeth [Hall].” 
  17. ^ a b Chambers, Edmund Kerchever (1930). William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, i. p. 13. 
  18. ^ a b c Schoenbaum, Samuel (1977). William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 318. “Judith lived on into the Restoration. On 9 February 1662, less than two weeks after her seventy-seventh birthday, ‘Judith, uxor Thomas Quiney, Gent.’ was buried, presumably in the churchyard. She had survived her twin brother Hamnet by sixty-six years. […] Dowdall in 1693 reports a tradition that Shakespeare's ‘wife and daughters did earnestly desire to be laid in the same grave with him’, but ‘for fear of the curse’ nobody dared ‘touch his gravestone’.” 
  19. ^ Schaal, Carol (12 July 2004). My Father Had a Daughter: Judith Shakespeare's Tale. Notre Dame Magazine Online. Notre Dame. Retrieved on 2007-08-09.
  20. ^ Gaiman, Neil et.al. The Wake. New York: DC Comics, 1997. ISBN 1563892790
  21. ^ Ezell, Margaret J. M. (1993) Writing Women's Literary History, Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press. pg. 44-45 ISBN 0-8018-4432-0.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] External links
