Judge Advocate of the Fleet

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The Judge Advocate of Her Majesty's Fleet is a civilian circuit judge who is responsible for the supervision and superintendence of the court-martial system in the Royal Navy. Responsibility for the naval court-martial system was formerly shared with the Chief Naval Judge Advocate, a legally-trained serving naval officer who was responsible for the appointment of judge advocates, but that position was abolished in 2004 as a result of a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that held that as a serving naval officer his position was insufficiently neutral.

The office of Judge Advocate of the Fleet will be merged with the office of Judge Advocate General under the Armed Forces Act 2006.

[edit] List of Judge Advocates of the Fleet

  • 1663 Fowler, J.
  • 1672 Brisbane, J.
  • 1680 Croone, H.
  • 1689 Foster, P.
  • 1689 Bacher, F.
  • 1690 Bathurst, V.
  • 1711 Strahan, W.
  • 1714 Honywood, E.
  • 1724 Copeland, J.
  • 1729 Hawes, T.
  • 1743 Kempe, T.
  • 1744 Fearne, C.
  • 1768 Jackson, G.
  • 1824 Twiss, H.
  • 1828 Shepherd, H. J.
  • 1845 Godson, R.
  • 1849 Crowder, R. B.
  • 1854 Phinn, T.
  • 1855 Atherton, W.
  • 1859 Collier, R. P.
  • 1863 Phinn, T.
  • 1866 Huddleston, J. W.



[edit] See also

United Kingdom

United States


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