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Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. Opera users have to clear their caches through Tools→Preferences, see the instructions for Opera. Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button.

//see [[user:js/markZeroEdits]]
function markZeroEdits(){
var i = 0, j, k, entry, plusminus, isHRDone
var rows, td, aa, sp, step
var firstEditor, thisEditor, isRevert
 mzRevertRegExp = window.mzRevertRegExp || /^(BOT[ -]*)?Reverted|^Reverting|^Undid revision /
 mzCSS = window.mzCSS || 'table.revert-edit * {color:#777799; }\
table.revert-edit td {text-decoration: line-through}\ * {color:#777799}'
 while (entry=document.getElementById('RCM'+(i++))){//loop through all multiple edits
  //check if this is a  0 size diff
  while ((entry=entry.parentNode) && entry.nodeName!='TR');
  plusminus = entry.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0]
  if (!plusminus || plusminus.className!='mw-plusminus-null') continue
  //get all collapsed edits inside hidden DIV
  rows = document.getElementById('RCI' + (i-1)).firstChild.rows
  //some initial values
  firstEditor = '' //first editor (who is possibly reverted later)
  //check all edits from bottom, i.e. by the timeline
  for (j=rows.length-1; j>=0; j--){
    //find editor
    td = rows[j].cells[1]
    aa = td.getElementsByTagName('a')
    for (k=0; k<aa.length && /&oldid=/.test(aa[k].href); k++);
    thisEditor = aa[k].href
    //compare with previous editor
    if (!firstEditor){ //this is a beginning of possible edit-revert block
      firstEditor = thisEditor
      isRevert = false
    }else if (thisEditor==firstEditor && j>0){ //first editor keeps making several edits
    //we now have either a different editor of the last edit
    //find edit summary
    sp = aa[k]
    while ((sp=sp.nextSibling) && sp.nodeName!='SPAN');
    //check if this was a revert
    if (!sp) break
    if (!mzRevertRegExp.test(pickUpText(sp).substring(1))) break
    //by default do not trust self reverts and reverts by unregs
    if (thisEditor==firstEditor && !window.mzTrustSelfRv) break
    if (/Special:Contributions/.test(thisEditor) && !window.mzTrustUnregRv) break
    //all checks done, this looks like a revert after all
    isRevert = true
    firstEditor = '' //get ready for the next block of edits
  //categorize the entry
  while ((entry=entry.parentNode) && entry.nodeName!='TABLE');
  if (isRevert){
    entry.className += 'revert-edit'
    if (window.mzMoveReverts)
       step = entry.nextSibling; entry.parentNode.appendChild(entry); entry = step
     }while (entry && entry.nodeName != 'TABLE' && entry.nodeName != 'HR')
    entry.className += 'zero-edit'
function addCSS(text){ //could use createStyleSheet for IE as well
 var s = document.createElement('style')
 s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css')
 if (s.styleSheet) s.styleSheet.cssText = text //IE
 else s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))