User:JRSpriggs/Ordinal notation

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The following is a write-up of my system of ordinal notations. See also Large countable ordinal, Ordinal notation, and Ordinal collapsing function.

As I said at Talk:Ordinal notation, "An ordinal notation is something which denotes an ordinal, that is, it is a way of naming an ordinal so that we can communicate about them with others and with ourselves.". To this end, I tried to provide a unique notation for as many ordinals as possible. Each ordinal to be described in terms of smaller ordinals, except that a quantifier-like functional is used whose bound variable ranges over larger ordinals.

As described at Ordinal notation#ξ-notation, I begin with a zero-ary function for zero, 0, and a binary pairing function, ξ (α, β), that takes care of all non-zero ordinals except the epsinums (epsilon numbers, i.e. those α for which α = ωα).


[edit] The full system

The full system (which may be inconsistent) is defined here.

The terms are:

  • "0" is a term with no free variables.
  • If "A" and "B" are replaced by terms, then "ξ (A, B)" is a term. Its set of free variables is the union of the sets of free variables in "A" and "B".
  • If "I" is replaced by a term with no free variables, then "ΚI" is a term whose set of free variables is its own singleton. For example, "Κ0" is a term whose set of free variables is {Κ0}. Such a ΚI is called a "key"; and, in this context, I is called its "index".
  • If "I" and "A" are replaced by terms and "I" has no free variables and every "ΚJ" which is free in "A" satisfies "I ≤ J", then "ΛI (A)" is a term whose set of free variables is the same as that of "A" except that "ΚI" is excluded. In this context, I is called the "index" of ΛI (A); and A is called its "code".

There is a (hopefully) total ordering on the terms given by:

  • terms have equal value only when they are identical.
  • 0 < A unless A is 0.
  • ξ (A, B) < ξ (C, D) iff ( A < C and B < ξ (C, D) ) or ( A = C and B < D ) or ( A > C and ξ (A, B) ≤ D ).
  • ξ (A, B) < ΚI iff ( A < ΚI ) and ( B < ΚI ).
  • ξ (A, B) < ΛI (C) iff ( A < ΛI (C) ) and ( B < ΛI (C) ).
  • ΚI < ΚJ iff J < I. Notice the reversed ordering of these "keys" which is why this cannot be a well-ordering.
  • ΚI < ΛJ (A) iff some ΚL occurs free in ΛJ (A) for L ≤ I.
  • ΛI (A) < ΛJ (B) iff ( I < J and every I-part of A is < ΛJ (B) ) or ( I = J and A < B and every I-part of A is < ΛJ (B) ) or ( I = J and A > B and ΛI (A) ≤ some J-part of B ) or ( I > J and ΛI (A) ≤ some J-part of B ).


  • If ΚI is not free in A, then the I-parts of A are { A }. In particular, the I-parts of ΚJ for I ≠ J are { ΚJ }.
  • Otherwise, the I-parts of ξ (A, B) are the union of the I-parts of A and the I-parts of B.
  • The I-parts of ΚI are the empty set { }.
  • The I-parts of ΛJ (A) [for J < I, of course] are the I-parts of the J-parts of A.

The (hopefully) well-ordered ordinal notations are those terms which have no free variables.

[edit] Interpretation of Lambda zero

Let the variable Κ0 range over uncountable regular ordinals.

Define D0(α) for ordinals α less than \epsilon_{\Kappa_0 + 1} (the least epsinum greater than Κ0) by:

  • D0(α) = α for α less than Κ0;
  • D00) = 0; and
  • D0(ξ(α,β)) = max(D0(α),D0(β)) otherwise.

Let Λ0(α) be the least ordinal β such that β is an epsinum (neither 0 nor in the range of ξ) and D0(α) < β and \beta \neq \Lambda_0 (\gamma) for any γ < α.

Notice that D0(α) is the maximum of the 0-parts of A when A is a term for the ordinal α.

[edit] Relationship to the Veblen hierarchy

See Veblen function. For α < Κ0, either \Lambda_0 (\alpha) = \epsilon_{\alpha} = \varphi_{1}(\alpha) or \Lambda_0 (\alpha) = \epsilon_{\alpha + 1} = \varphi_{1}(\alpha + 1). Remember that ξ (0, α) = α + 1.

More generally, either \Lambda_0 (\Kappa_0 \cdot \alpha + \beta) = \varphi_{1 + \alpha}(\beta) or \Lambda_0 (\Kappa_0 \cdot \alpha + \beta) = \varphi_{1 + \alpha}(\beta + 1) for α,β < Κ0.

[edit] Relationship to special large countable ordinals

ω = ξ(ξ(0,0),0). ε0 = Λ0(0).

The Feferman–Schütte ordinal is \Lambda_0 (\Kappa_0^2) = \Lambda_0 (\xi (\Kappa_0, \Kappa_0)).

The Ackermann ordinal might be \Lambda_0 (\Kappa_0^3) = \Lambda_0 (\xi (\Kappa_0, \xi (\Kappa_0, \Kappa_0))).

The small Veblen ordinal might be \Lambda_0 (\Kappa_0^\omega) = \Lambda_0 (\xi (\xi (0, \Kappa_0), 0)).

The large Veblen ordinal might be \Lambda_0 (\Kappa_0^{\Kappa_0}) = \Lambda_0 (\xi (\xi (\Kappa_0, 0), 0)).

[edit] Interpretation of Lambda one

Let the variable Κ1 range over uncountable regular ordinals; and let Κ0 be a larger uncountable regular ordinal (perhaps its successor cardinal).

Define D1(α) for ordinals α less than the supremum as n goes to ω of Λ00(...Λ01)...)) where the function Λ0 has been applied n times (together with some larger ordinals near Κ0) by:

  • D1(α) = α for α less than Κ1;
  • D11) = 0; and
  • D10) = 0; and
  • D1(ξ(α,β)) = max(D1(α),D1(β)); and
  • D10(α)) = D1(α) otherwise.

Let Λ1(α) be the least ordinal β such that β is an epsinum which is not in the range of Λ0 and D1(α) < β and \beta \neq \Lambda_1 (\gamma) for any γ < α.

Notice that D1(α) is the maximum of the 1-parts of A when A is a term for the ordinal α.

The Bachmann-Howard ordinal might be Λ1(0).

[edit] Inductive hypothesis

I seek to show by transfinite induction on ι that the terms for which the value of the indexes are less than ι and the free variables are a subset of some given finite set are well-ordered and that the notations among them have values which constitute a transitive set of ordinals. This will be shown by extending any order-preserving mapping of keys to uncountable regular ordinals to a mapping of said terms to ordinals in an order-preserving way.

The induction is done in an omega-sequence of phases. Phase 0 covers all indexes which can be described with 0 and ξ alone, i.e. those which are less than ε0. For each natural number n, phase n + 1 uses those new indexes which are values of ordinal notations which use indexes from phase n and earlier phases.