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en This user is a native speaker of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
trpt-3 This user is an advanced trumpet player.
gtr-3 This user is an advanced guitarist.
pno-2 This user is an intermediate pianist.
voc-2 This user is an intermediate vocalist.
uke This user plays the ukulele.
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Billions of voices, making all the wrong choices, then turning round and blaming me.[1]
Do no harm. All the rest is wikilawyering. [2]
I in the American flag and the republic which means loyalty, one nation pledge under freedom and justice and divided impossible God because of everything.[3]


[edit] What we're up to

We've recently taken up riding. My wife and I also are beginner ballroom dancers. We performed a tango recently at our dance studio; first public performance (not counting our lovely wedding foxtrot.) We did it to the tune of Por Una Cabeza.

I have a serious fondness for hats, in particular Panama hats, but also fedoras in general, and cowboy hats.

I play a lot of low-limit casino poker, and specialize in Omaha hold'em high-low. I like to joke that I'm a professional poker player, just a really lousy one. I did win an Omaha tournament a couple weeks ago; $80 in, $1000 out, not too shabby.

Latest fascination: fly fishing.

We just joined the cult of Airstream.

I've decided it is my destiny to become a blues ukulele player.

New puppy!

[edit] TV appearance

I'll be appearing on Antiques Roadshow on the show premiering May 12, 2008. I'm showing some Woody Guthrie drawings my Dad was given when he interviewed Woody for a New York Times story in 1949 or so.

Here's the appearance. I had the info wrong when I did the show, unfortunately. But what the heck.

[edit] Birds

I'm now maintaining my bird list offsite. Number 34 is a Hooded Oriole.

[edit] Other wikis

I'm also on other wikis:

[edit] International Travels

Spent years:
Days to Months:
To go some day: ...
Idea and layout taken from User:Calton, who appropriated it from User:Salsb, who stole it from User:Guettarda who borrowed it from User:White Cat

I had the privilege and pleasure of making two Atlantic crossings, in the SS United States and the SS America.

[edit] US Travels

Spent years:

Days to Months:


Idea and layout taken from User:Calton, who appropriated it from User:Salsb, who stole it from User:Guettarda who borrowed it from User:White Cat