This miscellaneous page and other similar pages are being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy.
Please discuss the matter at this page's entry on the Miscellany for Deletion page.
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Maintenance use only: Subst either {{subst:mfd}} OR {{subst:mfdx|2nd}} into the page nominated for deletion.
Then subst {{subst:mfd2|pg=User:JpGrB/Secret page|text=...}} into the newly created subpage.
Finally, subst {{subst:mfd3|pg=User:JpGrB/Secret page}} into the log.
Please consider notifying the author(s) by placing {{subst:MFDWarning|User:JpGrB/Secret page}} ~~~~ on their talk page(s).
Well, it seems you have found the "secret page", but this doesn't have anything "secret" on it, Iguessyou'llhavetolookharder.