Journal of Thelemic Studies

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Journal of Thelemic Studies
Abbreviated title Journal of Thelemic Studies
Discipline Spirituality, Philosophy, Religion
Language English
Edited by IAO131
Publication details
Publisher Lulu Press (USA)
Publication history 2007 to present
Open access 2007-2008

Journal of Thelemic Studies is an online publication examining Thelema, the psycho-spiritual tradition of Aleister Crowley.


[edit] History

The Journal of Thelemic Studies was founded in 2007 by IAO131 with the release of the first issue in the Fall quarter. In the official mission statement of the Journal it reads,

"The Journal of Thelemic Studies was created to foster the most modern, current thought in the Thelemic community by propagating the literature of various authors on the subject of Thelema... The subject matter of the Journal of Thelemic Studies will not be that of a certain ideology within Thelema, but will give equal voice to those of divergent and perhaps even conflicting viewpoints... The Journal of Thelemic Studies is not affiliated in any way with the estate of Aleister Crowley, or any formal organizations including Ordo Templi Orientis and College of Thelema."[1]

The journal's contents include a mix of academic articles, interviews, art and photography. Interviews have been conducted with the band IllumineNaughty and the artist Acrylick Alchemical. Articles have appeared by Gerald del Campo, T Polyphilus, IAO131, Ash Bowie, and John Crow. The topics range from Thelema's relation to Buddhism[2], to François Rabelais' influence on Thelema[3], to the ethical implications of Thelema.

In the Spring 2008 issue, the purpose of the Journal was elaborated,

"...The Journal endeavors to give a voice to the most modern writers and artists in the Thelemic community even if they disagree on certain points. The idea is not to promote rigid fundamentalism or some universal agreement but, instead, a lively process of creation, debate, analysis, and artistry. Being the first academic journal to collect the work of various modern Thelemites into one place, we attempt to give a voice to Thelemites of very diverse backgrounds. The Journal of Thelemic Studies serves to stand as a non-partisan synthesis of the many diverse manifestations of Thelema, both literally and symbolically, and also to the fact that many, often contradicting, opinions may be harmoniously cultivated and understood together."

[edit] Reviews

  • "I just finished reading the first issue of the Journal of Thelemic Studies and enjoyed it very much. The editor and contributors are to be congratulated for their dignified and enlightening offerings. Keep up the good work." -Lon Milo DuQuette
  • "The entire journal... is certainly worth a read for insights into current thought within the Thelema community."[4] -Jason T. Pitzl-Waters
  • "...A job very nicely done. It is time, that some one showed by way of example, that Thelemites can have opposing views - and yet remain civil. This has been needed for some time." -Gerald del Campo
  • "Great work on the journal! It is an excellent service to Thelema!" -David Cherubim

[edit] References

  1. ^ Journal of Thelemic Studies website
  2. ^ IAO131. Thelema & Buddhism in Journal of Thelemic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, Autumn 2007
  3. ^ IAO131. Rabelais, Dashwood, and Proto-Thelema in Journal of Thelemic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 2008
  4. ^ The Wild Hunt Blog

[edit] External links