User:Josiah Rowe/Temp

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   * 1 Non-fictional heroes
         o 1.1 A
         o 1.2 B
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         o 1.22 W
         o 1.23 X
         o 1.24 Y
   * 2 See also
   * 3 Extrenal links

Non-fictional heroes

This is a list of people who have been considered heroes. For fictional people, please see the list of fictional heroes.


   * Albert Schweitzer, doctor and reverence for life. Found a hospital in Gabon
   * Abraham Lincoln, USA president
   * Achilles, classical Greece
   * Aeneas, Ancient Rome
   * Alvin York, American hero
   * Amelia Earhart, Female aviation pioneer
   * Anne Frank, a young heroine
   * Atatürk, founder of Turkish Republic
   * Audie Murphy, most decorated American soldier
   * John Axon, railwayman
   * Alp Arslan, sultan of Seljuk Turks


   * Bernard Law Montgomery, leader of Second Battle of El Alamein
   * Bernard Freyberg, war hero in many wars
   * Bill Clinton, USA president
   * Bill Gates, for charitable giving
   * Billy Bishop, top ace of British Empire and Canadain WWI
   * Björn Söderberg
   * Bob Dole, war hero in World War II


   * Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim , leader of Finland during WWII
   * Carlos Belo, liberator of East Timor from Indonesia
   * Charles Upham, only infantryman ever awarded the Victoria Cross twice
   * Che Guevara, Marxist revolutionary
   * Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader in WWII
   * Chuck Yeager, Aviation Pioneer
   * Claus von Stauffenberg, tried to kill Hitler


   * Dag Hammarskjöld, The last Secretary-General in United Nations
   * Dalai Lama, religious authority of Tibet
   * David Broadfoot, radio officer on the MV Princess Victoria
   * Davy Crockett, Tennessee politician who fought and died for Texas independence at the Alamo
   * Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, liberator of Myanmar from unelected military regime
   * Denise Bloch, heroine of WWII
   * Douglas Bader, a modest fighter ace
   * Douglas McArthur, WWII American hero of the Pacific Theater and the Korean War
   * Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander in WWII, fought for World Peace in the 50s


   * Edmund Hillary, first to climb Mount Everest
   * Emmeline Pankhurst, fight for equal voting right for woman
   * El Cid, Spanish knight
   * Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson, Swedish rebel leader.


   * Franklin D. Roosevelt, USA president in WWII
   * Fidel Castro, Cuban leader


   * Mohandas Gandhi, the non-violent activist and revolutionary
   * George S. Patton, United States General
   * Georgi Zhukov, Soviet Union Marshal, victor of the Battle of Berlin
   * Gilgamesh, Epic of Gilgamesh
   * Gino Strada, war surgeon
   * Giordano Bruno, renaissance mystic burned as a heretic
   * Gustav II Adolf, Swedish king, millitary leader and war hero in Thirty Years' War
   * Gustav Vasa, leader of a revolt against Christian the Tyrant
   * Guan Yu Chinese late Han Dynasty general who fought many one on one battles during Three Kingdoms


   * Harald Edelstam, saved thousands of Chilean people on Pinochet's coup d'état
   * Harriet Tubman
   * Hector, classical Greece
   * Henry Dunant, creation of Red Cross
   * Heracles (Hercules), Greco-Roman mythology
   * Heralda Luxin, German woman who, during World War II, protected nine Jewish children
   * Hua Mulan, Chinese folk hero
   * Hugh Dowding, British leader at the Battle of Britain


   * Itzhak Stern, helped Oscar Schindler to save the Jews
   * Ivan Susanin, a Russian peasant who saved the Czar


   * Jean Batten, female pilot who set many distance records
   * Jesus
   * Joan of Arc, France
   * John Patler, killed George Lincoln Rockwell
   * John Rabe, saved 250,000 Chinese in Nanjing Massacre
   * Josef Stalin, saviour of the USSR and victor in Great Patriotic War
   * Józef Pilsudski, Polish leader in Polish-Soviet War
   * Josip Broz Tito, leader of Yugoslavia in World War II
   * Juan Santamaría, Costa Rica


   * Keith Park, New Zealand WW1 air ace and WW2 victor in the Battle of Britain
   * Klas Pontus Arnoldson, creation of Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society
   * Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations.


   * Larry H. Parker, activist for victims' rights
   * Lapu-Lapu, Philippines
   * Laura Secord, Canada
   * Lech Wałęsa, Polish leader for Solidarity and liberator of Poland from communist regime
   * Vladimir Lenin, leader in Russian Revolution
   * Lilian Rolfe, heroine of WWII
   * Lord Guan, Chinese general
   * Lyndon Baines Johnson, for the War on Poverty and Civil Rights reforms.


   * Marla Ruzicka, human rights activist
   * Martin Luther King, Jr.
   * Marvin Heemeyer, modern day hero
   * Maurice Buckmaster, leader of the French section of Special Operations Executive
   * Mehmed II "The Conqueror", Ottoman sultan and commander
   * Michael Collins, Irish revolutionary leader
   * Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, saviour of Russia in the Patriotic War
   * Mohammed Mossadegh, fight for independence and democracy for Iran
   * Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran
   * Moses
   * Muhammad, prophet of Islam


   * Neil Armstrong, First person on the Moon
   * Nelson Mandela, held in a South African prison for 26 years, led the battle to end apartheid
   * Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, hero of the Battle of Trafalgar
   * Dr. Norman Bethune Canadian physician and humanitarian


   * Omar Bradley, United states general
   * Orde Wingate, British pilot
   * Orville Wright with his brother, the creators of the first practical aeroplane


   * Paul Rusesabagina, saved 1,200 tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwandan Genocide
   * Stanislav Petrov, Soviet military officer who averted a worldwide nuclear war in 1983
   * Piet Hein, Dutch pirate in 16th century


   * Raoul Wallenberg, saving 100,000 Jews during World War II
   * Raúl Castro, Cuban revolutionary
   * Raymond Spruance, saviour of Australia
   * Rigoberta Menchú, Human rights for Mayan Indians and other indigenous peoples
   * Robert Roy MacGregor, Scottish folk hero of the 1700s
   * Robert Watson-Watt, The "inventor of radar", and thanks to the radar, the allies won the war.
   * Roland, French Christian knight killed by the Basques in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass
   * Rosa Parks


   * Saigo Takamori the most influential samurai in Japanese history
   * Saint Nicholas, the real life Santa Claus
   * Oskar Schindler, saved 1,200 Jews during World War II
   * Simo Häyhä, legendary Finnish sniper who killed 542 Soviet soldiers
   * Simón Bolívar, El Libertador. South American revolutionary leader
   * Simon Wiesenthal, Nazi hunter
   * Skanderbeg, Albanian Folk Hero during Ottoman Occupation
   * Spartacus, leader of a slave revolt in the Roman Empire
   * Stenka Razin, Russian folk hero
   * Suleyman I "The Magnificant", Ottoman sultan


   * Tenzing Norgay first to climb Mount Everest
   * Terry Fox, Canadian cancer fundraiser, ran Marathon of Hope
   * Theodore Roosevelt
   * Thomas Andrews, designer of the Titanic; he spent the final hours of his life helping people to the lifeboats and went down with his ship
   * Toussaint L'Ouverture, one of leader of the Haitian Revolution


   * Ulubatli Hasan, Turkish warrior in the siege of Constantinople


   * Václav Havel, liberator of Czechoslovakia from communist regime
   * Vasil Levski, Bulgarian national hero, founder of a revolutionary net
   * Violette Szabo, WWII secret agent


   * George Washington, leader of the American revolution
   * Nancy Wake, resistance heroine, on whom the film Charlotte Gray is based.
   * William Tell, the national hero of Switzerland
   * William Wallace won the freedom of the Scots from King Edward I of England
   * Wilbur Wright with his brother, the creators of the first practical aeroplane
   * Winston Churchill, British leader in WWII
   * Wladyslaw Sikorski, Polish milliary leader in Polish-Soviet War and World War II
   * Wong Fei-Hung, Chinese hero who was a martial arts master as well as an esteemed doctor


   * Xanana Gusmão, liberator of East Timor from Indonesia
   * Xiang Yu Chinese warrior who destroyed the Qin Dynasty and its army without losing one single battle


   * Yi Sun-sin, Korean Admiral
   * Yitzhak Rabin, Israels prime minister and war hero in Six-Day War. Tried to negotiate peace betwine arab and Israel
   * Yue Fei, Chinese general from the Southern Song Dynasty.
   * Yuri Gagarin, sacrificed himself to save a village, also first in space.

See also

   * List of fictional heroes
   * List of anti-heroes
   * List of villains
   * List of real people appearing in fictional context
   * AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains