Joseph Tommasi

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Joseph Charles Tommasi (1951-August 15, 1975) was an American National Socialist who founded the National Socialist Liberation Front (NSLF) in 1974. Breaking with the conservative image of American Nazism and its "mass strategy", he advocated an armed guerrilla struggle against the "System".

Tommasi was a young leader in the National Socialist White People's Party in southern California. The Party splintered, following George Lincoln Rockwell's death, and Tommasi, one of the most radical of the leadership, founded the National Socialist Liberation Front (on March 2, 1974) and began publication of a periodical titled Siege. He was assassinated by members of a rival National Socialist group in 1975.

[edit] Influence

Tommasi became an inspiration of James Mason's, who later (in 1980) revived the NSLF and SIEGE.

[edit] References

[edit] External links