Joseph P. Farrell

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Joseph P. Farrell is a controversial scholar on the East West Schism. Dr. Farrell holds a Doctorate of Philosophy from Oxford in Patristics. A student of Timothy Ware, he became a professor of Patristics at Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Dr. Farrell translated the Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit (preface by Archimandrite (now Archbishop) Chrysostomos of Etna), and the translation, is still the only one in English. He concentrated on St. Maximus the Confessor, publishing "Free Will in St. Maximus the Confessor" (forward by Timothy Ware - now Bishop Kallistos Ware), and "The Disputation with Pyrrhus". The culmination of his work is his four volume magnum opus on the Great Schism between East and West, with its cultural consequences for the resulting two Europes, entitled God, History, and Dialectic. It has yet to be peer reviewed by any major scholarly journal.

[edit] Books

Some of Dr. Farrell's books are:

  • The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit - St. Photius (Holy cross 2005)
  • Free Will in St. Maximus the Confessor (Saint Tikhon's Seminary Press, June 1989)
  • The Disputation with Pyrrhus (St Tikhons Seminary Press, February 1990)

[edit] External links