Joseph Lewinstein

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Joseph Lewinstein was a Russian rabbi and author born at Lublin, Russian Poland, 1840. He was a member of a family of rabbis and Talmudists which includes the author of Pene Yehoshua and the Lebushim.

In 1860, at the age of twenty, became rabbi of Karol, in the government of Plotzk. In 1868, became rabbi of Zaklikov, in the government of Lublin and then in 1875 he was rabbi of Serotzk, government of Lomza.

[edit] Works

  • Birkat Abraham: About the Talmudic tractates of Pesahim, Bezah, and Hagigah.
  • Pene Abraham: Commentary on Genesis
  • A commentary on the Haggadah of Passover
  • Dor Dor we-Dorshaw: A collection of 6,600 names of the greats of Israel of all generations, with the dates of their deaths.
  • Biographical articles of special genealogical value. They won him recognition as an authority in this field. These articles were published in Ha-Goren, Ha-Eshkol and to other periodicals.
  • Appendixes to Ir Gibborim and Ir Tehillah.