Joseph Gutnick

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Rebbes of Lubavitch
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6. Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn
7. Menachem Mendel Schneerson
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Joseph Isaac Gutnick (sometimes referred to as Diamond Joe) is an Australian businessman and a well known Jewish philanthropist. He is well known for his leadership of Western Mining Corporation and other resource and mining businesses. He is also an ordained Rabbi.

He is a former president of the Melbourne Football Club. He is famous in legal circles for suing Dow Jones, in which a precedent was established that material published on the Internet is deemed to be published in the place that it is viewed, not the place of origin.

He is an Orthodox Jew and a member of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement. According to Gutnick, it was Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson who pointed out to him the precise geological points on a map of Australia to commence mining for gold. He is also closely linked to Benjamin Netanyahu and was instrumental in his election as prime minister of Israel in 1996.[citation needed]

In 1999 he along with partner Robert Champion de Crespigny, were found to have illegally structured a takeover of a mining company and Gutnick was ordered to return $28.5 million to investors. The court found that their behaviour in jointly bidding $450 million earlier that year, for a company called Great Central Mines, was unlawful and deceptive[1]

[edit] See also

Gutnick had a series of gold companies and diamond interests. His principal company was Great Central Mines but he was never involved with Western Mining Corporation

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