José Suárez

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José Suárez

With Betsy Blair, in a German poster of Calle mayor
Born José Suárez Sánchez
19 September 1919
Trubia, Asturias, Spain
Died 6 August 1981
Moreda, Aller, Asturias, Spain
Years active 1944 - 1977

José Suárez (1919-1981), was a Spanish film actor.


[edit] Career

José Suárez made his debut in a short role in Altar Mayor (1944), a very conventional film, whose director, Gonzalo Delgrás, had paid attention to him in his work as a train conductor in Asturias. He played increasingly important roles in following Delgrás's movies and by 1948 he was already a lead actor.

He then became very popular in Spain along the late 40s and early 50s, as one of the main heartthrobs of the Spanish cinema, along with his contemporaries Francisco Rabal, Jorge Mistral and Alfredo Mayo. Nevertheless he performed remarkably in three outstanding dramas, namely Brigada criminal (1950), Condenados (1953) and Así es Madrid (1953), in the screen version of Buero Vallejo`s most famous play, Historia de una escalera (1950), and in the historical superproduction (for Spanish standards) Alba de América (Dawn of America, 1951), playing King Fernando el Católico. He also co-starred with the popular Andalusian gipsy singer and dancer Lola Flores La danza de los deseos (1954), directed by the most prestigious veteran Spanish film-maker, Florián Rey.

In 1956, his lead role in the internationally acclaimed Calle Mayor provided him with the opportunity to work in Italy with well-known film directors as Luigi Zampa and Francesco Rosi, while he gradually lost his popularity in his home country, despite still appearing in some interesting Spanish movies, such as A tiro limpio (1963) or La boda (1964), and in two successful mainstream Italian films: Scano Boa (1961) and Sette uomini d'oro (1965).

José Suárez in the Spaghetti-western Texas, addio (1966).
José Suárez in the Spaghetti-western Texas, addio (1966).

Eventually he was almost confined to the Spanish-Italian peplum and spaghetti westerns, the most interesting of all them being The Price of Power (1969), also known as Il Prezzo del potere or La Muerte de un Presidente.

His last film was La trastienda (1975), an artistically dispensable but sociologically significant Spanish picture, coincident with the end of Franco era in Spain.

Suárez was for many years president of the Spanish Actors Union.

[edit] Selected Filmography

A tiro limpio poster (1963)
A tiro limpio poster (1963)
  • 1975 La Trastienda
  • 1974 Los Caballeros del Botón de Ancla
  • 1972 A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die
  • 1972 Marianela
  • 1971 La Montaña rebelde
  • 1971 El Cristo del Océano· 
  • 1969 La muerte de un presidente
  • 1969 Il Pistolero dell'Ave Maria
  • 1969 El Taxi de los conflictos
  • 1967 Mister Dynamit - morgen küßt Euch der Tod
  • 1966 El Primer cuartel
  • 1966 Texas, addio
  • 1965 Sette uomini d'oro
  • 1964 El llanero
  • 1964 La Boda
  • 1964 Le Verdi bandiere di Allah
  • 1963 A tiro limpio
  • 1959 Cartagine in fiamme
  • 1959 Il magistrato
  • 1958 La Sfida
  • 1958 Gli italiani sono matti
  • 1957 Las aeroguapas
  • 1956 Calle mayor
  • 1954 Once pares de botas· 
  • 1954 La Danza de los deseos· 
  • 1953 Condenados· 
  • 1953 Así es Madrid· 
  • 1952 Ronda española· 
  • 1951 Alba de América· 
  • 1950 Historia de una escalera.
  • 1950 Aquel hombre de Tánger· 
  • 1950 Brigada criminal· 
  • 1949 La Mujer de nadie
  • 1947 Oro y marfil· 
  • 1947 Trece onzas de oro· 
  • 1944 Altar mayor· 

[edit] Bibliography

  • Torres, Augusto M. (1994). Diccionario del cine español. Madrid: Espasa Calpe. ISBN 84-239-9203-9. 

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
