User talk:Jordon Vandyke
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Hi Jordon, thanks for writing. My apologies for not replying soon. I try to write questions that I think students will know, and the works of C.S. Lewis were among the more read outside of class -- at least when I was in high school. My reading of Lewis' work is not as deep as I'd like it to be, although I hope to catch up on it someday. I have read all seven Narnia books, the Screwtape Letters, Till We Have Faces, The Four Loves and the first two of the Space Trilogy books. I have also seen Shadowlands. Mere Christianity is obviously the first of the several books I wish to read. Ironically, writing so many questions about knowledge is preventing me at times from accumulating it -- especially with the birth of my daughter Melanie. Take care, Shawn Pickrell 22:27, 5 April 2007 (UTC)