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[edit] About me

I recently graduated from Dade Christian School in Miami, Florida in which I had been in since 4K. I am currently going to college at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana and majoring in Chemistry Education. I was accepted to all 6 colleges I applied to: Wheaton College, Miami University, Taylor, Cedarville University, University of North Florida, and Bradley University. I graduated with a 3.82 cumulative weighted GPA, 1250 out of 1600 on the SAT (1790 out of 2400), and 25 ACT composite. I received a 3 on the AP Calculus and AP Chemistry exams. I have a a younger brother and a younger sister who both go to Dade Christian School. I will let my userboxes tell the rest.

[edit] Bible Prophecy: The most convincing argument for Biblical accuracy

Why would a scientifically minded person like me hold a deep belief in the Bible? There are many reasons, but I think the most convincing one to someone who has not experienced a personal relationship with Jesus Christ has to be the unparalleled accuracy of Bible prophecy which cannot be explained simply by self-fullfilment or coincidence. It would be easy to point out the Holocaust or the Restoration of Israel, but take Habakkuk 2. It describes the People's Republic of China perfectly. "...but the righteous will live by his faith" shows that Christianity will survive in China despite the government, the next paragraph clearly describes the tainting of power in the government and imprisonments, the next paragraph could be understood if you are aware the government of China is taking property from families and selling it to developers, and the next paragraph could be understood if you know the vast amount China loans to United States in the form of Treasuries. Next paragraph describes tyrannical government rule, the one after describes how the communist party is trying to use economic prosperity to stay in power, "The stones of the wall will cry out..." refers to the Great Wall of China, and the woodwork to old wooden buildings. Verse 14 makes it clear we are discussing a nation during the age of the internet, 15 discusses China towards North Korea, 17 refers to the Chinese weapons used against Israel recently by Hezbollah, and the rest of the chapter is about Buddhism. So I refuse to do a post-modernistic reading of Genesis like other Scientists who are Christian have. Genesis 1 repeats the phrase "according to its kind". Why would an Old Testament writer write that so many times, if God was not trying to warn us against evolution which claims organisms can produces different kinds of organisms over a long period of time. People at that time would have most likely found it an obvious statement and waste of paper. Even if there was a doubter, they would likely have found it unnecessarilly repetitive. I am, however, more inclined to take an Old Earth view as the Genesis states that He created the earth in seven "yom" which can only mean days, but if you looks closely, never states the days were consecutive (It is usually taken as implied though.). The sentence "And God saw that it was good." could have been a quick mention of Him examing His Creation for a significant period of time. He created the whole earth and then has been enjoying it for 6,000 years seems less likely then God enjoying His creation after every Creation day. What would be God's hurry?

[edit] Funny Vandalism

Look at the reverters response here and here. Look at this funny edit summary. Look at the text being changed here.
Other funny vanalism:

[edit] Separation of Church and Wikipedia

This was the closest thing to a communist insurrection I have seen on Wikipedia: Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Bayside Community Church

[edit] My Sandboxes

I live in Miami; I don't need sandboxes.

[edit] Userboxes

This user lives in or hails from Miami.
This user lives in or hails from the state of Florida,
the Sunshine State.
This user is one of the handful of actual natives of the state of Florida.
This user is interested in Chemistry.

This user has a keen interest in Physics.
This user is a Teen.
This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube console.

This user is a member of WikiProject Miami.
Y This user is a member of Generation Y.
This user is a Born Again Baptist.
This user isn't perfect, just forgiven.

This user was born on November 23.
This user believes a marriage should consist only of a man and a woman.
Con This user supports the Constitution Party. Image:cp eagle 32x32.png
عرب This user is of
Arab ancestry
هذا المستخدم من أصل عربي

vn-5 This user page has been vandalized 5 times.
This user wonders why most Wikipedians seem to be chemical engineers.
This user wholeheartedly believes we are living in the last days.

Wikiproject:Television This user's favorite roller coaster is El Toro, which this user has ridden 1 time(s).
This user is a university student.

This user has visited 9 of the 50 States.
This user believes sex outside of marriage is a sin
This user is upset at the number of divorces and out-of-wedlock births that occur in the United States each year.
This user supports a fetus' right to live.

This user supports racial equality.
This user is a Creationist.

WikiProject Journalism is dedicated to Edward R. Murrow This user is a participant in WikiProject Journalism.
This user is a member of the Technology WikiProject.
band-3 This user loves the band Sanctus Real.
perc-3 This user is an advanced percussionist.