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[edit] Biography of Jonas Kristoffer Lindeløv

Me. December 1, 2005
Me. December 1, 2005

Born in Denmark on April 8, 1985. Moved from home at the age of 16 to IT-College Denmark and studied HTX (danish Higher Technical Examn) for three years (2001-2004). Studied nanotechnology for a year at University of Aalborg. Have studied psychology at University of Aalborg since 2005.

Activities (to be expanded):

  • Music: Plays Cello since four years old, Piano since seven years old, Song since nine years old and acoustic Guitar since 16 years old. Composes music for solo piano, solo guitar and guitar+song.
  • Art: Gallery at DeviantART

[edit] Exams and courses

Common education:

  • Folk school of Denmark: average grade 10,4 (scale 00-13)
  • HTX (danish Higher Technical Examn): average grade 10,5 (scale 00-13)
  • TEK-NAT basis year at AAU (Technical and Natural Sciences at Aalborg University)

Courses in IT:

Other Courses: