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Constructed languages
Language types
Artificial script | Artistic language | Constructed language | Engineered language | Euroclone | Fictional language | International auxiliary language | Language game | Logical language | Musical language | Relexification | Universal language | Whistled language
Auxlangs: Adjuvilo | Afrihili | Babm | Basic English | Baza | Damin | Dunia | Eaiea | Ekspreso | Esperando | Esperanto | Esperanto II | Europanto | Fasala | Fasile | Folkspraak | Globish | Glosa | Idiom Neutral | Ido | Interglossa | Interlingua | Interlingue | Latino sine flexione | Lingua Franca Nova | Mondlango | Mundolinco | Neo | Novial | Nuwaubic | Poliespo | Romanica | Romanova | Semitish | Slovio | Solresol | Sona | Toki Pona | Tokcir | Uropi | Volapük
Loglangs: aUI | Blissymbols | Ceqli | CycL | Eaiea | Ithkuil | Láadan | Latenkwa | Lincos | Loglan | Lojban | Loom | Ro | Vorlin
Artlangs and Fictlangs: Adûnaic | Aklo | Al Bhed | Ascian | Atlantean | Aulëan | Babel-17 | Baronh | Black Speech | Bluddian | Brithenig | Chakobsa | Darkovan | D'ni | Doriathrin | Drac | Elvish languages | Enochian | Galach | Gargish | Glide | Gnommish | Goa'uld | Hardic | Huttese | Iotic | Kélen | Khuzdul | Klingon | Klingonaase | Koalang | Languages in Star Wars | Languages of Middle-earth | Lapine | Lingua Ignota | Linguacode | Marain | Mezangelle | Nadsat | Newspeak | Old Tongue | Pravic | Quenya | Shyriiwook | Simlish | Sindarin | Sperethiel | Starckdeutsch | Stark | Starsza Mowa | Talossan | Telerin | Teonaht | Tho Fan | Thosk | Tsolyáni | Unas | Utopian | Verdurian | Wenedyk
See also
CONLANG | Conlanger | Ill Bethisad | Langmaker | Language Construction Kit | Translation relay | Zompist.comList of constructed languages | List of fictional languages | List of constructed languages | List of fictional languages