User:JonMoore/Esperanto Portal

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Esperanto portal (Portalo pri Esperanto)

The Esperanto flag
The Esperanto flag

Esperanto is the most widely spoken constructed international language. The name derives from Doktoro Esperanto (Dr. Hopeful), the pseudonym under which L. L. Zamenhof first published the language in 1887. Zamenhof's goal was to create an easy-to-learn and flexible language as a universal second language to foster international understanding.

Although Esperanto is not official in any country or at the United Nations, it has, since its publication, enjoyed continuous usage by a small but growing community. Today Esperanto is employed in world travel, correspondence, cultural exchange, conventions, literature, language instruction and radio broadcasting. There are even a thousand or so native Esperanto speakers.

Wikipedia in Esperanto (Vikipedio) has 99,000 articles as of May 24, 2008, a remarkable count for a planned-language Wikipedia version, and will likely exceed 100,000 articles shortly in June 2008.

Picture of the month - June
(Monata bildo - junio)

Portal:Esperanto/Picture of the month/June 2008

Esperanto news
(Novaĵo pri Esperanto)


Article of the month - June (Monata artikolo - junio)

The Unua Libro (English version)

The Unua Libro (First Book) was the first publication to describe the international language, Esperanto (then called Lingvo Internacia, "international language"). First published in Russian on July 26, 1887, later editions were published in Russian, 1888, Hebrew, 1889. Polish, French, German and English. This booklet included the Lord's Prayer, some Bible verses, a letter, poetry, the sixteen rules of grammar and 900 roots of vocabulary. Zamenhof declared: "An international language, like a national one, is common property." Zamenhof signed the work as "Doktoro Esperanto," and the title Esperanto stuck as the name of the language — which in Esperanto means "one who hopes." Find out more...


Vocabulary of the month - June (Monata vortlist - junio)

  • kaj [rhymes with "high"] meaning: "and"
  • al meaning: "to" or "toward"
  • el meaning: "from" or "out of"
  • knabo meaning: "boy"
  • knabino meaning: "girl"
  • lingvo meaning: "language"
  • amo meaning: "love"
  • amanto meaning: "lover"
  • amkanto meaning: "love song"

Grammar of the month - June (Monata grammatiko - junio)

Portal:Esperanto/Grammar of the month/June 2008


Did you know... (Ĉu vi scias...)


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Categories (Kategorioj)


Articles (Artikoloj)

Linguistic aspects of Esperanto

The basics: Alphabet - Grammar - Vocabulary - Etymology - Orthography - Phonology - Kurso de Esperanto - Adverbs - False friends
References: Fundamento - Akademio de Esperanto - Plena Ilustrita Vortaro - Esperantology
See also: Interlinguistics - International auxiliary language - Propedeutic value of Esperanto

History of Esperanto

Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, was the creator of the language, "Esperanto".

In 1905, the Fundamento fixed the rules of the language and the Declaration of Boulogne  honed its principals for use.
Other attempts at an auxiliary language : Volapük (1879) - Ido (1907) - Interlingua (1951)
See also: Proto-Esperanto - Esperantido - Prague Manifesto

Esperanto movement

International associations: Universala Esperanto-Asocio - Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda - Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo - SATEB

In English-speaking areas:

Esperanto culture

Music: Esperanto music - Vinilkosmo  - Dolchamar  - Jacques Yvart  - Ĵomart and Nataŝa  - Persone  - Amplifiki
Symbols: La Espero - Verda stelo
Media: Ĝangalo - Literatura Mondo - Radio archive List of Esperanto radio stations. From: China, Poland, The Vatican, Cuba... - Wikipedia in Esperanto (Vikipedio)
Esperanto congresses: Universala Kongreso de Esperanto (UK) - Internacia Junulara Festivalo - Internacia Junulara Kongreso - Internacia Junulara Semajno - Internacia Seminario
See also: Esperantists - Anationalism - UNESCO - Pasporta Servo To travel everywhere

Literature and writers

General: Esperanto literature
Novelists: Julio Baghy - Raymond Schwartz 
Poets: William Auld - Antoni Grabowski - Kalocsay Kálmán
Ideologues: Claude Piron  (essays, pedagogy) - Eugene Lanti (anationalist) - Frederic Pujulà i Vallès (dramatist and Catalan journalist)
See also: Gaston Waringhien (linguist) - Marjorie Boulton (proverbs)


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