Jonathan Williams (politician)

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Jonathan Williams‎
Jonathan Williams‎

Jonathan Williams was born near Toronto but has lived most of his life in Southern Alberta, apart from two years in California and four years in the United Kingdom. He currently he works in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada as the Research and Communications Director for the Alberta Alliance Caucus.

He was first involved in politics in 1996 as President of the University of Lethbridge Reform Club; he also sat on the Constituency Associate Board and the Reform Youth National Council.

In 1997, Williams was a candidate for the Alberta Social Credit Party in the provincial election campaign in February and March in the Lethbridge East Constituency. In 1997 to 1998, he was the Constituency Association President in Lethbridge West.

In 1999, Jonathan Williams moved to Cardiff, Wales working for British Telecom until the fall of 2003.

In 2003, Williams and a few others from the U.S. and Canada set up the Freedom Institute, a web online magazine which was had some notoriety on Free Dominion.

On his return from overseas, he spent a year as the editor of a weekly paper in Cardston called the Temple City Star [1] from 2003-04. In May 2004, he was elected Vice President of Communications for the Alberta Alliance Party.

Due to conflicts with work, he left the communications position in the summer and spent the November 2004 election covering it for his newspaper. He covered the election as a reporter, hosting an all party forum in Cardston.

In 2005, Williams became the Communications and Research Director for the Alberta Alliance Caucus, and is a panelist on Sunday Magazine on CKUA.

On October 31, 2006 Jonathan Williams left the Alliance Opposition.[2]

Jonathan is married to Barbie-Jo Williams, they have four boys and one girl.

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