Jonathan Fielding

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Jonathan E. Fielding
Jonathan E. Fielding

Jonathan E. Fielding M.D., M.P.H., M.A., M.B.A. is the Director of the Department of Public Health and is the Health Officer for Los Angeles County. In his position of Director Dr. Fielding oversees public health activities, including those for environmental health, disease control, health education, health assessment, and chronic diseases. As Director of one of the largest health departments in the United States, Dr. Fielding has led efforts to developed plans to deal with emergencies related to bioterrorism, pandemic flu, and other emerging diseases and conditions. He also has called attention to the underlying health determinants: the physical and social environments in which we live. Dr. Fielding also serves as Commissioner and vice-chair of the First 5 L.A. Commission, whose aims are to improve health and development of children 5 years of age and under.

Dr. Fielding has been a founding member of a number of national task forces that assess best evidence and make recommendations to improve the health of the public. These include the U.S. Clinical Preventive Services Task Force and the U.S. Community Preventive Services Task Force, which he chairs. Dr. Fielding is a Professor in both the UCLA School of Medicine and the UCLA School of Public Health [1] Dr. Fielding has published on a wide range of public health as well as preventive medicine issues. He has authored over 160 peer-reviewed articles, chapters and editorials. He has served as Editor of the Annual Review of Public Health, Chairman of the national Partnership for Prevention, a Board Member of the American Legacy Foundation, and an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine. In 2006 he received the American Public Health Association (APHA)’s oldest and most prestigious award, the Sedgwick Memorial Medal for Distinguished Public Health, at the 134th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition. [2] In 2008, he was appointed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt to chair the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on the 2020 Health Objectives for the Nation. He was also appointed to the California Department of Public Health Advisory Committee.


[edit] Previous work

Dr. Fielding's previous appointments include; Director, Division of Peer Review, Bureau of Quality Assurance, Health Services Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Commissioner of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Co-Director, Center for Health Enhancement Education and Research, University of California, Los Angeles He has also served as a Vice President of Johnson & Johnson.

[edit] Academic appointments

He is currently Professor of Health Services and Pediatrics in the Schools of Public Health and Medicine University of California, Los Angeles.

[edit] Education

  • 1977 Wharton School of Business Administration, M.B.A., Finance
  • 1971-1972 Georgetown University Medical Center, Pediatric Resident
  • 1971 Harvard University, School of Public Health, M.P.H., Health Services Administration and Health Economics
  • 1969-1971 Boston Children’s Hospital, Intern and Resident
  • 1969 Harvard University, School of Medicine, M.D., cum laude
  • 1969 Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Josiah Macy Fellow, M.A., History of Science
  • 1964 Williams College, B.A., French, magna cum laude

[edit] Awards and honors

  • Porter Prize, for National Impact on Improving the Health of Americans, 1994
  • Member, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1995-present
  • Investing in Information Award by the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium, Inc., 1997
  • Distinguished Service Award, for Outstanding Service to the American College of Preventive Medicine, 2000
  • Milton and Ruth Roemer Prize, for Creative Local Public Health Work, American Health Association 2003
  • Outstanding Alumnus Award, Harvard School of Public Health, 2006
  • Sedgwick Medal from American Public Health Association 2006 [3]

[edit] Selected presentations

Using Evidence to Improve Public Health Infrastructure. (January 7, 2004) [4]

Public Health Agencies—Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges Testimony of Jonathan E. Fielding M.D. M.P.H. Director of Public Health and Health Officer Department of Health Services, Los Angeles County to the The Little Hoover Commission June 27, 2002, Sacramento, California [5]

Beyond Bioterrorism: Building Public Health in the 21st century. September 26, 2002. [6]

[edit] Recent publications

  • Cole, B.L., Shimkhada, R., Morgenstern, H., Kominski, G., Fielding, J.E., Wu, S., “Projected Health Impact of the Los Angeles City Living Wage Ordinance” JECH, 59:645-650. (2005).
  • Anderson, L.M., Brownson, R.C., Fullilove, M.T., Teutsch, St.M., Novick, L.F., Fielding, J.E., Land, G.H. “Evidence-Based Public Health Policy and Practice: Promise and Limits” Am Journal of Prev Med, 28 (5S) (2005).
  • Georgenson, M., Thorpe, L.E., Merlino, M., Frieden, T.R., Fielding, J.E., The Big Cities Health Coalition, “Shortchanged? An Assessment of Chronic Disease Programming in Major US City Health Departments” J Urban Health.June;82 (2):233-4 (2005).
  • Simon, P.A., Leslie, P., Run G. Jion, G.Z., Rporter, R. Aguirre, A., Fielding, J.E., “Impact of Restaurant Hygiene Grade Cards on Foodborne-Disease Hospitalizations in Los Angeles County” JEnviron Health, Mar;67 (7):32-6, 56; quiz 59060, (2005).
  • Cole, B.L., Shimkhada, R., Fielding, J.E., Kominski, G., Morgenstern, H., “Methodologies for Realizing the Potential of Health Impact Assessment” Am J of Prev Med, May;28 (4):382-9, (2005).
  • Cole, B.L., Shimkhada, R., Morgenstern, H., Kominski, G., Fielding, J.E., Wu, S., “Projected Health Impact of the Los Angeles City Living Wage Ordinance” JEpidemiol Community Health, 59:645-650 (2005).
  • Eisenman, D.P., Wold, C., Fielding, J.E., Long, A., Setodji, C., Hickey, S., Gelberg, L., “Differences in Individual-Level Terrorism Preparedness in Los Angeles County” Am J Prev Med, (2005).
  • Dannenberg, A.L., Bhatia, R., Cole, B.L., Dora, C., Fielding, J.E., Kraft, K., McClymonth-Peace, D., Mindell, J., Onyekere, C., Roberts, J.A., Ross, C.L., Rutt, C.D., Scott-Samuel, A., Tilson. H.H., “Growing the Field of Health Impact Assessment in the United States: An Agenda for Research and Practice” AM J. PH, Vol. 96, No. 2 (2006).
  • Simon, P.A., Fielding, J.E., “Public Health and Business: A Partnership That Makes Cents” Health Affairs 25, no.4, 1029-1039 (2006).
  • Fielding, J.E., Briss, Peter A., “Promoting Evidence-Based Public Health Policy: Can We Have Better Evidence And More Action?” Health Affairs 25, No.4, 969-978 (2006).
  • Cole, B.L., Shimkhada, R., Fielding, J.E., Kominski, G., Morgenstern, H., “Health Impact Assessment: Current Practice and Future Potential to Increase Awareness of Population Health Impacts of Policy Decisions” (accepted – AM J of Prev Med).
  • Cole, B.L., Shimkhada, R., Morgegenstern, H., Kominski, G., Fielding, J.E., Wu, S., “An Examination of the Potential Health Consequences of Expanded Funding for After-School Programs – The Role of Research Versus Rhetoric” (in Review – J of Policy analysis and Management).
  • Yancey, A., Lewis, L., Sloane, D., Diamant, A., McCarthy, W., Guinyard, J.J., Fielding, J.E., “Walking the Talk: Process Evaluation of a Local Health Department-Community Collaboration Incorporate Physical Activity Into Organizational Practice” (in press – PubMed).
  • Ockene, J.K., Edgerton, E.A., Teutsch, S.M., Marion, L.N., Miller, T., Genevro, J.L., Loveland-Cherry, C.J., Fielding, J.E., Briss, P.A., “Integrating Evidence-Based Clinical and Community Strategies to Improve Health” (in press – AJPM).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Dr. Jonathan Fielding - Department of Health Services
  2. ^ APHA: Jonathan Fielding Wins APHA’s Oldest and Most Prestigious Award, the Sedgwick Medal
  3. ^ APHA: Jonathan Fielding Wins APHA’s Oldest and Most Prestigious Award, the Sedgwick Medal
  4. ^,2
  5. ^
  6. ^ File Not Found

[edit] External links