John ball school

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John Ball is a state primary school in the London borough of Lewisham, situated in the village of Blackheath just near the heath and Blackheath station. The main building was opened in 1953, but, in early 2001, the purpose built Early Years Unit was added.

The Early Years Unit which has been recently built and designed to provide a safe and stimulating environment for the younger members. The main school, across the road, has an exceptional KS2 play area and is looking at the development of the KS1 playground. The school itself recently went under some major refurbishment.

John Ball has an active School Council through which pupils can make their views known on a wide range of issues concerning them. The children elect their own representatives (two from every class in Years 1 to 6) to form the committee along with two members of staff. Through the School Council children have real influence in helping to develop the ethos of the school and school policies.

The Governors are representatives of the local community, parents/carers and school staff. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to this role. They have responsibility for overseeing the organisation, curriculum and budget of the school. Governors meet four times a year and more regularly in smaller sub-committees.

Children who will be five between September and February join the Reception class in September and those who will be five between March and August join the Reception class in the January before their fifth birthday.