John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

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This page describes the award for best new science fiction writer; for other awards, see Campbell Award (disambiguation).

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer is awarded annually to the best new science fiction or fantasy writer whose first work of science fiction or fantasy appearing in a professional publication was published in the previous two calendar years.

The award is sponsored by Dell Magazines. The award nomination and selection process is administered by the current Worldcon committee, and the award is presented at the Hugo Award ceremony at the Worldcon, although it is not itself a Hugo Award. Members of the current and previous Worldcon are eligible to nominate new writers for the Campbell Award.

For the purposes of the Campbell Award, professional publications are works sold for more than a nominal amount and published anywhere in the world.

[edit] Recipients

[edit] Nominees for the 2008 Award

[edit] Links