John Patrick Looney

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John Patrick Looney (1865 - 1947) was a gangster in the Rock Island, Illinois area during the early 1900s.

Looney was also a successful lawyer and newspaper man in Rock Island.


[edit] Background

John Looney, son of Irish immigrants, was born in Ottawa, Illinois. He studied law and was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1889. He practiced with his partner Frank H. Kelly; he had his first real brush with the law in 1897 when he and Kelly were indicted for conspiracy to defraud the city by using inferior materials. The convictions were overturned on appeal. [1]

Looney soon ventured into politics, and went on to hold a prominent position in the Democratic Party. He would eventually run (and lose) for the Illinois State Legislature. Looney attributed his loss to the Rock Island Argus, which wrote many negative opinion articles on him. [2]In response, Looney founded the Rock Island News.

[edit] Rock Island News

The Rock Island News served as a retort to the Argus, which had published many negative articles on Looney. His two brothers came to Rock Island from Ottawa and helped him run the paper.

Looney sold the Rock Island News in 1908 to W.W. Wilmerton, but did not wish to relinquish the control of the paper. The night after he sold it, a bomb exploded in the building, which Looney still owned. Looney refused a $7,000 insurance settlement, and the insurance company canceled his policy. However, the day before the insurance was canceled, a fire broke out within the building and did $75,000 worth of damage. Looney was accused of setting the fire.[citation needed] After the fire Looney again began publishing his paper, this time from his home.

[edit] Crime

Looney had a hand in prostitution, gambling, and extortion. Gambling and prostitution took place in the basement of the building which housed the Rock Island News. He had also been accused of extortion and blackmail. He allegedly would have one of his prostitutes walk up to a man and throw her arms around him, and once she did he would snap a photograph. Looney would then threaten to publish the photograph in the Rock Island News unless a cash payment was provided. [3]

Looney was the victim of several assassination attempts, and at one time partaking in a gun fight with W.W. Wilmerton, the man to whom he had sold his newspaper. The gun fight with Wilmerton occurred on February 22, 1909 in which seven shots were fired, one bullet wounding Looney. The "Bel-Aire" house at which this gun fight occured can be viewed just slightly west of 30th street in Rock Island on River Heights Road.

[edit] Riots

In March 1912, one of Looney's lieutenants, Anthony Billburg, was arrested for extortion. According to accounts, Looney asked the Mayor of Rock Island, Harry M. Schriver, not to prosecute Billburg. After Schriver refused, Looney published an article on the front page of his paper accusing him of having an affair in Peoria. In response, Schriver had Looney arrested and closed down the Rock Island News on March 22.

Four days later, a large crowd gathered in Market Square, stirred and agitated by associates of Looney.[4] They stormed the police station. Attempts by the police to quell the mob resulted in the death of two rioters. [5]

The riots prompted Governor Charles Deneen to declare martial law in Rock Island and ordered the National Guard to the city. Throughout the night there were minor disturbances which were resolved whenever the National Guard troops made an appearance. After the riots, raids were carried out on prostitution houses. All public gatherings were banned, and all saloons were closed. Afterward, Looney left Rock Island to go to a ranch in New Mexico, staying there until 1921.

[edit] Homecoming

In 1921 Looney returned to Rock Island and regained control of his paper. With Prohibition now the law, he had control of approximately 150 gambling dens and brothels. Looney extorted protection from local business in collaboration with corrupt police officers and politicians.[citation needed]

[edit] Downfall

In 1922 before a national Grotto convention, Looney's thugs provided (sold) protection for law violators. Prohibition agents, following up on raids made during the convention met with William Gabel, who provided them with canceled checks endorsed by John Looney. Gabel was murdered on July 31, 1922, which prompted a gang war in which 12 people were murdered. Meanwhile, through editorials, the Rock Island Argus lambasted the community for having allowed gangsters to gain control of Rock Island. In return, Looney's paper published articles implicating the Argus in Gabel's murder.[citation needed]

The gang war ended on October 6, 1922 when Looney and his son Connor were talking in their car in Market Square. Two vehicles pulled up behind them and opened fire. John Looney ran to the nearby Sherman Hotel and returned fire. Connor Looney was killed in the vehicle.

On October 26, 1922, all stills, speakeasies, and brothels under Looney's control were closed down, and his house was raided for weapons. Schriver and the former police chief were arrested and later convicted of vice protection conspiracy. Looney was indicted for the murder of William Gabel and for running a theft ring which spanned several states, but Looney fled to Ottawa and then to New Mexico.

Looney was apprehended in New Mexico in November 1924. He was convicted in 1925 of "conspiracy to protect gambling, prostitution and illicit liquor traffic in Rock Island", in large part to his former right-hand man being a prosecution witness.[citation needed]

Looney was later charged and convicted of the murder of Willam Gabel and prosecuted in Galesburg. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison and served 8½ half years. Looney died in 1947 at a tuberculosis sanitarium in El Paso, Texas.

[edit] Fictional portrayals

Looney served as the model for John Rooney, a major character in Max Allan Collins' graphic novel Road to Perdition. The character was portrayed by Paul Newman in Sam Mendes' 2002 film adaptation.

[edit] References

[edit] Footnotes