John L. Merkt

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John L. Merkt (born October 2, 1946) is an American politician.

Wisconsin State Representative (ret), 58th Assembly District.
John Merkt served as local ward committeeman from 1974 to 1976. He was elected to the Wisconsin Assembly in 1976.


[edit] Education

Graduate Milw. Marquette H.S.
Attended Marquette Univ. 1964-68
B.S. in secondary education, U.W.-La Crosse 1971

[edit] Affiliations

Member Ozaukee Co. Rep. Party (Vice Chairperson)
American Legion
Mequon Men's Club
Thiensville-Mequon Jaycees
Washington Co. Farm Bureau
Knights of Columbus
Shriners (Freemasonry) - 32nd Degree

[edit] Biennial committee assignments

1987 - Commerce and Consumer Affairs (also 1985)
1985- Ways and Means
Select Commmittee Head Chairman on Regulation of Gambling
Jt. Survey Com. on Tax Exemptions
Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (also 1983)
1985 - Legis. Coun. Com. on Long-Term Health Care Insurance
1983 - Labor (also 1981)
Primary and Secondary Education
Legislative Council Peace Officer Study Committee (1981)
Chairperson on the Agriculture and Nutrition Board
Chairperson on the Committee for Education Reform (1977-1979)
Legisilative Council Committee Chief Officer on Public Health Needs (1979)
Legislative Council Committe on Agriculture, Chairperson (1977)
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Officer (1977-1979)
Legislative Co. Corns. on Juvenile Correctional Facilities (1977)
Legislative Council on Education (1977)
Select Committee on Milwaukee Brewers Stadium (1995)

[edit] Notable Achievments

In 1995, in collaboration with Representative Dave Prosser and Wisconsin Governor Thomas "Tommy" Thompson, John Merkt spearheaded the creation of Miller Park in Milwaukee. Among other notable achievments, Mr. Merkt is responsible for the current seatbelt legislation and the minimum drinking age, which he had changed from 18 to 19, and then again to 21. Further, he enacted tougher laws and penalties regarding the sale or possession of drugs, especially cocaine, and tripled the mandatory sentence for those found guilty of such possession or sales within 500 feet of a school zone.

[edit] References