John Dalrymple (admiral)
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John Dalrymple (17__ - was a fellow of the Royal Society.
His naval career involved serial promotions: He entered the Royal Navy as a Captain's servant aboard the "Alderney." He passed his examinations for promotion to Lieutenant in 1744. He commanded a sloop in 1757; and he was promoted to post-captain in 1758. He was Captain of the "Winchester" in 1762. He was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the White in 1787. He was promoted to the rank of Vice-Admiral in 1793. Aboard the H.M.S. Sandwich, he was Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy in the Nore as of May 11, 1794. The Nore is a sandbank at the mouth of the Thames Estuary, England, near Sheerness. He was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Blue in 1795.[1]
This Scottish-born seaman was elected to membership in the Royal Society on May 23, 1796.[2]