John Cotter

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John Cotter, played by actor Ethan Erickson, is a character in the English language telenovela, (Soap Opera), Fashion House.

[edit] Blackmailing Him-bo

John was the senior designer at the House of Gianni, a prestigious fashion design firm in Los Angeles. While thinking himself to be very good at his work, he tended to be quite abrasive towards those he worked with. He also had a large ego and felt that everyone else was competition to him.

Though senior designer, he made his share of enemies -- notably, Harold and Hans, who had been there much longer than John had been. He was promoted over them, without any discernible skills; he also alienated Michelle Randall Miller by trying to seduce her (he is quite womanizing) as a part of a devious plan by his boss, Maria Gianni, to try to break up Michelle and her son, Luke.

After failing at the attempted seduction, he resorted to blackmailing Maria for $50,000 to give him the senior designer job.

He and equally arrogant model Tania Ford teamed up to try to steal the title, "Face of Gianni", which they eventually succeeded, in doing, by knocking Nikki Clark, out of the picture, aided and abetted by the scheming Maria, who gleefully fired Nikki for a so-called "breach of her morals clause". This reason was only a smokescreen for her real reason. Since she was dating her former fiance, and now arch-enemy, William Chandler, she felt that she could justify her firing.

Maria planned to keep John on her team, and the blackmail worked. However, this eventually blew up in John's face. Since Maria faked a heart attack, and was supposedly in the hospital, John named himself acting head of the House of Gianni.

This earned him Maria's wrath, and it was safe to say that he might be the next to be on her enemies list. When Maria was arrested for forgery and fraud, John once again set his sights on taking over as head of House of Gianni.

Lexi Walker, Maria's former assistant, seduced John in order to filch his keys to sabotage her photo shoot at Michael Bauer's studio. John still didn't realize that Lexi's interest in him was false. This also cost him his job at Gianni as well as making him Maria's enemy. His aim was to spill the entire story to Luke, who still had no clue that his mother tried to drug him and split him and Michelle up. He sent the tape that recorded him and Maria conniving to Luke, who reacted furiously.

As for his former post, Harold and Hans, who had been passed over for promotion before, finally got their due. John, however, ended up being blacklisted as a designer by the ever conniving Maria.

John once more attempted to blackmail a Gianni to get exactly what he wanted. He blackmailed Luke into selling the House of Gianni to him in exchange for the name of the person who killed his mother.

However, John tripped himself up, since Luke had taken a page from his handbook and had himself wired. John was duly arrested for evidence tampering and extortion.