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Joiya or Johiya(Urdu: جوئیہ) is a Rajput clan of Northern India and Pakistan. Johiya are one of the twenty-four undivided Rajput clans or 'Eka'. In ancient chronicles they are described as "Lords of Jangladesh," as a tract which comprehended Hariana, Bhattiana, Bhatner and Nagor. They also held, in common with Dahiya with whom their name is always coupled, the banks of the Indus and Sutlej near their influence.

Gujjar and Jatts also have clan named Johiya. Jatt branches are khichar, kulhari, Gaina and Mahla . They are settled in Rajastan, Uttarpradesh and Haryana , City of Sikar in Rajastan was founded by Veerbhan Khichar. While Gujjar Johiyas are prominent in Pakistan,s Punjab and are less known in India.


[edit] Origin

Joiyas are identified with Yaudheya or Yaudheya Gana who were an ancient tribal confederation who lived in the area between the Indus river and the Ganges river. They find mention in Panini's Ashtadhyayi and Ganapatha. There are other references to them namely in Mahabharata, Mahamayuri, Brihat-Samhita, Puranas, Chandravyakarana and Kashika. As references are spanned from writings of early period to the medieval period, the chronology of Yaudheyas perhaps spans from as early as 500 BCE till 1200 CE. They were in zenith of their power from about 200 BCE to 400 CE.

Coin of the Yaudheyas with depiction of Karttikeya.
Coin of the Yaudheyas with depiction of Karttikeya.

The Yaudheys or Yaudheya were a very famous clan of ancient India. They were the ancient republican tribes who resided in the area between the Indus river and the Ganges river. They find mention in Panini's Ashtadhyayi and Ganapatha.

King Yayati’s fourth son was Anu. Anu’s eighth son was Maharaja Mahamana. Ushinar was the son of Mahamana and he was the ruler of most of the Punjab. Usinara the Anavi King, after his arrival in the Punjab, probably established himself at Multan. We are told that after the death of Usinara, his Anavi kingdom was divided among his five sons. Their modern representatives the Punjabee tribe of the Joyas, still live in this part of the province. They were known to the Greek authors of the time of the Macedonian invader Alexander the Great. Ushinar’s son was Nrig and Nrig’s son was Yaudhey. The Yaudhey clan has originated from him.

[edit] Puranic Reference

Puranas (e.g. Brahmanda, Vayu, Brahma and Harivamsha) described Yaudheyas as the descendants of Ushinara and Nrigu[1].

[edit] Literary and Epigraphical References

Karttikeya with spear and cock, coin of the Yaudheyas.
Karttikeya with spear and cock, coin of the Yaudheyas.

We find earliest mention of Yaudheyas in Ashtadhyayi (V.3.116-17 and IV.1.178) of Panini (c.500 BCE) where Yaudheyas are mentioned amongst Ayudhajivin Sanghas.

Later, the Junagadh rock inscription (c. 150 CE) of Rudradaman I[2] acknowledged the military might of the Yaudheyas "who would not submit because they were proud of their title "heroes among the Kshatriyas"", although the inscription explains that they were ultimately vanquished by Rudradaman.[3][4]

"Rudradaman (...) who by force destroyed the Yaudheyas who were loath to submit, rendered proud as they were by having manifested their' title of' heroes among all Kshatriyas."

Junagadh rock inscription [5]

The Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta[6] also mentioned about the Yaudheyas. Varahamihira in his Brihatsamhita (XIV.28 and XVI.22) placed them in the northern division of India.

[edit] Numismatic Evidences

Six-headed Karttikeya on a Yaudheya coin. British Museum.
Six-headed Karttikeya on a Yaudheya coin. British Museum.

Their territory included on the west – Sutlej, Depalpur, Satgarha, Ajundhan, Kahror, Multan, on the east - Bhatner, Abhor, Sirsa, Hansi, Panipat and Sonapat and on the north - Kangra. These were listed based on the assumptions of coin finds. Even Haryana and Panjab were included in the territory they might have ruled.

There isn’t much known about ancient tribes which are mentioned in ancient literature and inscriptions but the existence of a powerful clan known as Yaudheyas has come to light mainly from their coins and coin-moulds found in large number in this area. A large number of their coins depicted the god Brahmanyadeva or Karttikeya empire in fourth century.[7]

[edit] Later Developments

Yaudheyas were the rulers of South-Eastern Punjab and Rajasthan. Even today these areas are inhabited by the Joiyas.

Colonel Minchin, a British historian says that the extreme north-eastern portion of the state Bahawalpur and a portion of Bikaner, was inhabited by a race called the Yaudheyas to whom General Cunningham, another historian, attributes the foundation of the town of Ajudhan or Ayodhaunne, the battle field, which is evidently connected with their own name of Yaudheya or Ajudhiya inscription of Samudara Gupta and at a still early date by Panini in the Junagarh inscription of Rudra Dama. Now as the great grammarian was certainly anterior to Chandra Gupta Maurya, his mention of the Yaudhas proves that they must have been a recognized clan before the time of Alexander. General Cunningham identifies them with the existing tribes of Joiyas, which is included by colonel Tod amongst the 24-ruling race of Rajputana. He sated that this race possessed the same haunts as the Dahia or Dahers, are now extinct, but in fact both these tribes are still found in the Bahawalpur state, and they were converted to Islam by the famous Saint Hazrat Baba Fareed Shaker Gunj, whose shrine is in Ajudhan, and from whom the place derives its modern name of Pakpattan (District in Punjab, Pakistan), meaning "the ferry of the pure ones."

[edit] Numismatic Evidences

Their kingdoms or territory included on the west – Sutlej, Depalpur, Satgarha, Ajundhan, Kahror, Multan, on the east - Bhatner, Abohar, Sirsa, Hansi, Panipat and Sonipat and on the north - Kangra. These were listed based on the assumptions of coin finds. Haryana and Punjab were included in the territory they have ruled.

There isn’t much known about ancient tribes which are mentioned in ancient literature and inscriptions but the existence of a powerful clan known as Yaudheyas has come to light mainly from their coins and coin-moulds found in large number in this area. A large number of their coins depicted the god Brahmanyadeva or Karttikeya[8].

[edit] The Yaudhey family tree


[edit] The Joiyas during the Middle Kingdoms

The Yaudhey people inhabited the areas on the banks of the Satadru (Satluj) river near Pakpattan Sharif (Shehr Farid) Mostly Joiya family in what later became the erstwhile princely state of Bahawalpur in today's province of Punjab (Pakistan).

The coins of the Yaudhey clan have also been found in the areas between the Satluj and the Yamuna rivers in the Sonepat fort of Rohtak in the state of Haryana in India. These coins are marked in Sanskrit as “Yaudhey Ganasya Jay”. The Yaudhey clan was in existence during the Mahabharata period also.

The Yaudheys or Joiyas were known for their bravery. They fought with the Guptas, the Mauryas and the Kushans. They occupied ancient areas like Marwar, Jodhpur, and Jaisalmer in present-day Rajasthan.Rang Mahal was their capital (ruined city near Ganganagar in India). Rang Mahal culture is spread over in Ghaggar valley and its painted wares are quite different from that of the Harappan period.

[edit] The Joiya and the Rathore Rajputs

Before their state in Jangladesh was annexed by the Rathores, the Joiyas had six-hundred villages under their rule. Sher Singh was their ruler and Bhuroopal was their capital. Sher Singh was a great warrior. He gave a tough fight to the Rathores. Rao Bika, the Rathore ruler then aligned himself with the Godara Jats.

The Godara Jats were the most powerful of the six cantons of Jats ruling over Jangladesh. Bika along with the Godaras attacked the Joiyas and defeated them. The greatest war between the Rathores and the Joiyas was fought at the village of Dhaka near Sidhmukh.

In the middle of 16th century they were expelled from Joiya canton of Bikaner by the Rathore rulers with the help of Mughal Emperor Akbar.According to Ain –i-Akbari, volume II section 195,Johiyas were the predominant caste in Mahals(districts)of Sirsa, in Sarkar of Hisar Firozah and in Rajpur, Shergarh, Fathpur and Kahror in Sarkar of Bet Jalandhar Doab, where semi independent state of Fathpur (Vehari) was founded by Raja Fateh Khan Joiya/Joyia. Lateron Daulat Khan Joyia and his descendants (Daulatana) ruled this area and Kahror till 1754, when Amir Mubarik Khan Abbasi conquered and made this area as part of Bhawlalpur state. In Sirsa Joiyas ruled and even helped Bhattis in conquering Bhatnair from Rathores. History of Bhatnair tells us that this fort has been ruled by Joyias, Chayal, Bhatis and Rathores. After the great famine of 1783,this area was devastated and great migration took place. This vacuum was filled by the British adventurer Thomas Cook, who ruled this area for few years and latter on taken by Marhattas and finally annexed by Britisher. Joyias (mostly Hindus) are still living in this area. Moti Chand Joiya was MP in Harayana assembly, whereas Muslim Joiyas migrated to Pakistan and are settled in Pakpattan and Sahiwal districts. The Holy shrine of Hazrat Sultan Mahmood Joiyas is in district Ferozpur and revered by Muslims and Hindus alike.

[edit] Joiyas in Bahawalpur and Multan and Pakpattan Sharif (Shehr Farid)

Joiyas still hold all the banks of the Sutlej from Wattu borders nearly as far down as its coherence with the Indus through Bahawalpur and Multan Divisions of present day Pakistan. Though the Bhattis cut them from Kabror, and later they lost their semi-independence when their possessions formed a prt of the Bahawalpur State; they hold a tract in Bikaner on the bed of the old Ghaggar just below Bhatner, their ancient seat. They are also found in no inconsiderable numbers on the middle Sutlej of Lahore , Ferozpur and on the lower Indus of Derajat and Muzaffargarh,in Tehsil Piplan (Distt Mianwali) they have few villages and on the banks of Jhelum, where they have two-three villages in Shahpur Tehsil of Distt Sargodha and about six villages in Tehsil Khushab and Tehsil Nurpur of Khushab disst (specially the Joiyas of Haveli Chiraq and Ainu are the biggest landlords of disst. Khushab). The Multan bar, to this day is known as as the Joiya Bar.

Few historians say that they are also to be found in Salt Range or mountains of Jud, and identify themselves with the Jodia or Yaudheya.

[edit] Conversion to Islam

Johiyas were converted to Islam by the well known sufi saint Hazrat Baba Fareed Shaker Gunj, in 12th century, whose shrine is in ,Ajoodhun and from whom the place derives its modern name of Pakpattan (District in Punjab, Pakistan), meaning 'the ferry of the pure ones'.”

Baba Fareed converted three Joiya brothers, Lunan, Ber and Wasul to Islam and blessed Lunan saying "Lunan, dunan, chaunan," i.e., "may Lunan's posterity multiply". These thee brothers wrested fortress of Bhatinda from the Slave Kings of Delhi and ruled its territory, with Sirsa and Bhatner independently.[9].

[edit] Joiya and Bika Confrontation

Lakhkho, son of Lunan, headed a confederation of Joiyas, Bhattis, and Waryas against the Bika, the founders of Bikaner, but were defeated by the powerful Rathores. Bikaner rose to become a prominent state while the Johiyas were reduced to the status of rustic chiefs.

[edit] 15th Century Onwards

After Lakhkho, Salim Khan Joiya rose to power in the time of Aurangzeb. He founded Salim Garh which he gave to Pir Shauq Shah whence it became Mari Shauq Shah and founded a second Salim Garh which was however destroyed by Aurangzeb's order, but on its ruins his son Fareed Khan I founded Shehar Fareed in Bahawalpur. After the downfall of the Mughal Empire, the Joiya chiefs continued for some time to pay tribute at Multan and Nawab Wali Muhammad Khan Khakwani, its Governor married a Joiya girl, Ihsan Bibi, and thus he secured their adherence, which enabled him to find refuge among Admera and Saldera Joiyas when the Marhattas took possessions of Multan in 1757 A.D. After the Joiyas under Fareed Khan Joiya II revolted against Saleh Mohammad Khan, who the Marhattas had appointed the Governor of Multan and plundered his territory, but in 1772 when Ahmad Shah Abdali had expelled the Marhattas from Multan, he reappointed Wali Mohammad Khan to its Governorship and to him the Joiyas submitted. Under the Emperor Zaman Khan, however, the Joiyas again rose in rebellion and at the instance of Governor of Multan, Nawab Mubarak Khan of Bahawalpur annexed the territory of Fareed Khan II.

Dullah Bhadera, Shehar Fareed, and Luddan emerged as major Johiya power centres in this era.

[edit] Joiya Septs

The Joiyas septs are very numerous, 46 being enumerated as principal septs alone. Of these the more important are the Bhaderas,Laleke, Kameras, Lakhweras, Daultanas, Nihalkas, Ghazi Khananas and Jalwanas, their ancestor having been designated Naik-o-Kar Bhai or the Virtuous Brothers, by Abdullah Jahanian, a Muslim saint. Most of the Joiya septs are eponymous, their names ending in -ka and sometimes in -era.

The other principal septs are Akoke, Bhalana, Bhatti, Firozke, Hassanke, Jamlera, Jhagdeke, Jugeke, Lakhuke, Langahke, Mihruke, Mummunke, Panjera, Ranuke, Sabuke, Shaikhuke, Sanatheke, Shahbake, Admera,Malkera, Sahuka and Saldera.

Joiya as a tribe appear to rank both as Rajputs and Jats. In Amritsar they are classed as Rajput and in Shahpur (Uttar Pradesh) as Jats. The Kharrals and Kamboh each possess a Joiya clan [10].

[edit] Joiyas today

[edit] Geographic distribution

The Joiyas are at present found in the states of Punjab,Harayana Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan in India. And in Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur,RahimYar khan , Pakpatten, Multan, Sahiwal , Vehari,Okara, Kasur, Sheikhupura, Sargodha, Khushab, Muzzafargarh, Bhakkar and Mianwali districts in Punjab and in northern areas of Sindh province of Pakistan. Joiyas are considered a Punjabi tribe in Pakistan. They are known as Joyo in the province of Sindh.

[edit] Religion

Yaudheya or Joiya are Hindus, and Muslims.

[edit] Prominent Rajput Johiyas


  • MaharajaUsinara
  • Maharaja Nrig
  • Maharaja Yaudhey
  • Raja Porus
  • Raja Sher Singh of Bhuroopal
  • Raja Fateh Khan Joyia (founder of Fatehpur Town and state in Akbar's reign)
  • Farid Khan Lakhwera (Shehar Farid-Bhawalpur)
  • Ghulam Mohammad Daulatana ( Nawab Ghogha)
  • Malik Chiragh Khan Joiya (prominent Joiya sardar of Ainu-Khushab in the Ranjit Singh era)
  • Gen. Bakhat Khan (Indipendece war hero 1857)
  • Nawab Ghulam Qadir Daulatana
  • Mian Allah Yar Daulatana, MLA Punjab (India) chief whip Muslim League
  • Nawab Ahmad Yar Khan Daultana MLA Punjab(India)chief parlimentry sec. Unionist party
  • Sikander Khan Bhadera (Dullah Bhadera) (Zaildar, State of Bahawalpur)
  • Fateh Mohammad Khan Bhadera (Dullah Bhadera) (Zaildar, State of Bahawalpur)
  • Ayaz Khan Bhadera (Dullah Bhadera)
  • Mohammad Fayyaz Khan Bhadera (Dullah Bhadera)
  • Mian Mumtaz Khan Daultana ( from Vehari) - Chief Minster Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Nawab Mohammad Buksh Lakhwera MLA West Pakistan
  • Mian Fateh Mohammad Khan Laleka MLA West Pakistan (1956-58)- ex minister bahawalpur state
  • Mian Faiz Ahmed joyia (from Sahiwal) MLA West Pakistan
  • Mian Riaz Ahmed Daulatana MLA Punjab(India) MNA Pakistan
  • Malik Shah Mohammad Joiya Ex. MPA from KehrorPakka-Multan
  • Mian Mohammad Amjad Joiya Ex. MNA,Disst Nazim Pakpattan
  • Malik Mohammad Amir Khan Joiya (Zaildar-Ainu-Khushab Head of Joiyas living in Disst khushab-Mianwali-Sargodha)
  • Mohammad Yar Mummunka MPA (BahawalNagar)
  • DR.Junaid Mumtaz Joiya MNA ( PakPattan)
  • Mrs. Tehmina Daultana‎ MNA,Federal Science and Technology Minister from Vehari
  • Mohammad Khan Bhadera Ex MPA ( Bahawalnagar)
  • Malik Mahmand Khan Joiya Darrya Khan (Darryakhan-Bhakkar)
  • Mian Mohammad Ashraf Joyia Ex MPA(Pakpattan)
  • Malik Mohammad Ajmal Joiya MPA ( Kehrurpakka-Lodhran)
  • Malik Ghulam Shabir Joiya Ex MPA Chairmain disst.council Mianwali
  • Malik Mohammad Baksh Joiya Ex. Vice Chairman Disst. Council Khushab
  • Malik Mohammad Baksh joyia (Zaildar Ainu-Shergarh) Kushab
  • Sattar Khan Akoka Ex. MPA (Bahawalnagar)
  • Malik Sajjad Ahmed Joiya Tehsil Nazim Kehrur Pukka
  • Malik Mohammad Feroz Joyia Ex Tehsil Nazim Piplan(Mianwali)
  • Malik Khan Mohammad joyia of Shergarh Chairman zakat Tehsil Nurpur Khushab
  • Senator Mian Alam Ali Laleka (Bahawalnagar)
  • Mian Shuakat Ali Laleka Ex MPA,Naib Zila Nazim Bhawalnagar
  • Mian Sikander Ali Daulatana Ex MPA (Vehari)
  • Mian Mohammad Ayub Saldera MPA(Vehari)
  • Malik Ahmed Khan Joyia of Shergarh joyia landlord -Khushab
  • Malik Maqsood Ahmed joyia- PPP leader Disst council member Chak 55 NB Joiyanwala Sargodha
  • Tanvir Ahmed Joyia Kasur
  • Ghazi Amman Ullaha Joiya Zila council member of KudlathiJoiya- Sargodha
  • Mian Mohammad Ali Laleka (Bahawalnagar)
  • Mian Javed Mumtaz Daulatana Ex MPA(Vehari)
  • Sardar Mohammad Arif Khan Jalwana (Bahawalpur)
  • Ghulam Mohammad Khan Mummunka -Ex Chairman District Council Bahawalnagar
  • Abdul Sattar Khan Laleka – Ex Federal Minister, Pakistan (Bahawalnagar)
  • Ghulam Abbas Khan Lakhwera Shahar Farid Chishtian
  • Mian Imtiaz Ali Laleka (Ex MPA Bahawal Naggar)
  • Malik Jind Wadeya Joyia (Member zilla Council Muzuffergarh)
  • Malik Lal Khan Joiya (Member zilla Council Multan)
  • Malik Mohammad Qasim Joiya Ex tehsil nazim Kehrurpakka
  • Malik Mohammad Ramzan Advocate Joiya Bahawalpur
  • Mohammad Laiq Joiya (Seraki Party)
  • Mian Wali Muhammad Joiya Land lord Ghotki Sindh


  • Hon. Capt ( R) Malik Atta Mohammad Joiya (British Indian army) Disst. Khushab
  • Brig. ( R ) Malik Kabir Ahmed Joyia Disst. Khushab
  • Lt. Col ( R) Malik Ahmed Khan Joiya Disst. Sargodha
  • Lt. Col Sana Ullaha Joiya
  • Lt.col Malik Hakim Khan Joiya Disst Sargodha
  • Maj. ( R ) Malik Mohammad Aslam Joiya Ex MPA Lodhran
  • Maj. ( R) Malik Mohammad Azam Joiya Disst Sargodha
  • Maj. (R) Shabir Arshad Joyia.joharabad Khushab.
  • Maj. ( R) M .Arshad Joyia Vice president MLQ Lahore
  • Sqd. Ldr Ramzan Atif Joiya Disst Sargodha
  • Hon. Capt.Malik Mohammad Sher Joyia ( hockey player British Indian army) Disst Sargodha


  • D.I.G. Maj. ( R) Rana Fateh Sher Joiya Sheikhupura
  • D.I.G. Mohammad Azam Joyia
  • S.S.P. Tariq Hanif Joiya
  • S.S.P. ( R) Rana Mohammad Nawaz Joyia (kot shakir Jhang)
  • D.S.P. ( R) Malik Ummer Khan Joyia Mianwali
  • D.S.P. Shaukat Mahmood Joiya
  • D.S.P. Malik M.Akhtar Joiya Darrya Khan Bhakkar

Civil services- law-judicary-Education

  • Mian Mohammad Mumtaz joiya ex DCO
  • Ghulam Akbar Joyo AC CBR
  • DR. Malik Aftab Maqbool Joiya Ad. Sec.Punjab Assembly
  • Mian mohammad Ashraf Joiya DFO Ministry of food Punjab
  • Mohammad Nawaz Joyia DE TLF
  • Mohammad Fiaz Joiya Coordinator planning, development dept. Northern areas
  • Malik Mohammad Ramzan Joiya Joint Director small industries Punjab
  • Mohammad Haroon Joiya Ministry of Commerce Islamabad
  • Ghulam Mujtaba Joyo Dy. Dir MRP ( immigration-passport).
  • Malik Sher Afghan joyia Chief Librarian ( R ) Punjab
  • Malik Lutaf Ali Joyia Session Judge ( R)
  • Malik Said Rasool Joiya Ad. Session Judge ( R)
  • Pervaiz Ismail Joyia Ad. Session Judge
  • Malik Mohammad Munir Joyia Ad. Session Judge
  • Mian Mohammad Suleman Joyia Senior Civil Judge
  • Mian Zafar Sharif Joiya Advocate Ex MPA member Punjab bar council
  • Khalid Ramzan Joyia Advocate Ex vice chairman Punjab bar council
  • Mansoor Ul Islam Joiya Advocate Supreme Court
  • Professor Allah Bux Joyo Principal Govt. College Khair pur
  • Professor Mumtaz Ali Joyo member faculty agricultural sciences Tando Jam
  • Professor Yar Muhammad Niaz Shaikhuka Joiya Shahar Farid, Chishtian
  • Muhammad Naeem Akhtar Shaikhkuka Joiya Educationist, Chishtian
  • Hafiz Aleem Athar Shaikhuka Joiya Applied Chemist Manager Research & Development Paints & Coatings, Faisalabad
  • Saleem Anwar Shaikhuka Joiya Lecturer (CS) Riphah International University Islamabad
  • Khuram Saleem Joiya Lecturer dept.of chemistry Punjab University
  • Mohammad Javid Iqbal Joyia Lecturer BZU Multan
  • Ass Professor Mohammad Iqbal Joyia Federal University of Arts, Science and technology Islamabad
  • Shahid Nasim Joyia Customs lahore
  • Mohammad Saeed Akhtar joiya Deputy Superintendent Customs lahore
  • Mohammad Aslam joiya Inspector Police karachi
  • Mohammad Latif Shaikhuka Joiya Agricultural Officer Sialkot
  • Mohammad Ikram Khan Saldera Director Finance Lahore


  • Shah Afrin (Royal court poet of King Farrukh Siyar(1713-1719)
  • DR.Mohammad Ibrahim Joyo Scholar, intellectual and most acclaimed Sindhi writer.
  • Professor Taj Joyo Famous Sindhi nationalist and writer, secty. Sindhi adab sangat
  • Khaki Joyo prominent Sindhi poet
  • Mohammad Akhtar Mummunka Photografer, writer
  • Sardar Mohammad joyia prominent Photografer
  • Yasin Joyia Media and Cable network
  • Ishfaq Joyia broadcasting
  • M.Niaz Hussain Lakhwera PSO to Culture Minister Punjab
  • Malik Younas Joyia SEWA Organization Lahore
  • Ulfat Rasool Joyia Rehman Foundation Lahore
  • Mohammad Iqbal Joyia President Kissan board Multan
  • Malik Fida mohammad Joyia patron in chief Joyia Haderi Shaheen Tent pegging Club of Pakistan, rais of Haveli Chiragh - Khushab
  • Dr Sharif Joyia Multan
  • Dr. Faiz Ahmad Joiya (P.hd) Sahiwal
  • Muhammad Ishaq Joiya (Architect)Town Kalyana Distt Pakpattan Sharif
  • Muhammad Imran Ishaq Joiya Town Kalyana Distt Pakpattan Sharif
  • Muhammad Ikram Ishaq Joiya Town Kalyana Distt Pakpattan Sharif

[edit] References

  1. ^ Pargiter, F.E. Ancient Indian Historical Tradition Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1972 pp.109
  2. ^ Junagadh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman I, accessed on 23 March 2007.
  3. ^ Rosenfield, "The dynastic art of the Kushans", p132
  4. ^ Rapson, "A catalogue of the Indian coins in the British Museum", p.lx
  5. ^ Source
  6. ^ Allahabad Posthumous Stone Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta, accessed on 23 Marah, 2007.
  7. ^ Allan, John A Catalogue of the Indian Coins in the British Museum (Ancient India), London, 1936, Pl. XXXIX.22
  8. ^ Allan, John A Catalogue of the Indian Coins in the British Museum (Ancient India), London, 1936, Pl. XXXIX.22
  9. ^ Rose HA Lesser Known Tribes of NW India and Pakistan, New Delhi, 1870
  10. ^ A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, Vol II, 1990, 413, H.A. Rose, Denzil Ibbetson, Sir Edward Maclagan.
  • Rose, H.A. Lesser Known Tribes of NW India and Pakistan. Delhi 1890.
  • Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934.
  • Dasgupta, K.K. A Tribal History of Ancient India: A Numismatic Approach, Calcutta, 1974.
  • Lahiri, Bela Indigenous States of Northern India (Circa 200 B.C. - 320 A.D.), University of Calcutta, 1974.
  • Bahawalpur gazetteer.
  • Vedic and Aryan India by H. S Bhatia
  • Imperial Gazetter Sirsa
  • District Vehari
  • Sandal Bar by Ahmed Ghazali
  • Dastan-e- Daultana by Wakil Anjam
  • History of Bhatanier by Hari Singh Bhatti

joiya today muhammad saeed akhtar joiya deputy superintendent customs lahore muhammad aslam joiya inpector police karachi mohammad ikram khan director finance Dr. Mrs. Sushma Joiya, President, Integrated Congress of Women Entrepreneurs

[edit] See also

[edit] External links