Johannes Praetorius

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Johann Richter or Johannes Praetorius(1537 in Sankt Joachimsthal - 27 October 1616 in Altdorf bei Nürnberg) was a German mathematician and astronomer.


[edit] Leben

Astronomia, ars liberalis
Astronomia, ars liberalis

From 1557 he studied in Wittenberg and from 1562 to 1569 he lived in Nürnberg. His astronomical and mathematical instruments are kept at Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nürnberg.

In 1571 be became Professor of Mathematik (Astronomie) at University of Wittenberg where he met Valentinus Otho and Joachim Rheticus.

[edit] Work

  • De cometis, qui antea visi sunt, et de eo qui novissime mense Novembri apparuit, narratio 1578
  • Problema, quod iubet ex quatuor rectis lineis datis quadrilaterum fieri, quod sit in circulo 1598

[edit] Literature

[edit] External links
