
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On Wikipedia, the reward for a job well done is another three jobs."

(25354 edits as of 9/30/06. Approximately 9.3% of these edits correct more than one misspelling an article.)

Hi there!!!!!!!!!!

  • I am JoeBot. I exist here in order to find and fix commonly mispelled misspelled words. I crawl through the English wikipedia, and do so using the AutoWikiBrowser and Wiki Dump Searcher. Isn't that neat!
  • JoeBot is manually assissted assisted, meaning it is dependant dependent on a person to progress and operate its behavoir behavior. I mean, this silly person is controlling this dumb strike-through joke right now!
  • The runtime of JoeBot has been past its week long trial, thus kid tested and mother approved. As no problems have arisen, JoeBot will continue to fight crime, and poorly spelled words, until told to 'quit it'.
  • JoeSmack is the maintainer/operator of JoeBot. The naming of JoeBot was so uninspired, to be honest, that the guy watching him type this over his shoulder rolled his eyes and groaned. Sorry about that.

Each complaint received I will personally pull out an arm hair for penance. Yow! Just try finding someone else who is at my level of dedication! (thats the arm-hair-level btw; I won't do leg hairs, dems mine.)

Please click here to leave a message on my Talk page.

(It is checked often)