Joel T. LeFevre

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Joel T. LeFevre is the editor-in-chief the Citizens Informer, a quarterly newspaper put out by the Council of Conservative Citizens. LeFevre at first refused to join the Council of Conservative Citizens, but when the previous editor-in-chief of the Citizens Informer, Samuel Francis, died, the director of the CCC, Gordon Lee Baum, assured LeFevre that the organization was not anti-Semitic.[1] He was very much against former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke's virulent criticisms of Jews at the American Renaissance conference in 2006.[2] LeFevre operates a number of websites including one featuring the writings of R. Carter Pittman as well as a site with the works of famous Southern and federalist writers. He has frequently blogged at Lawrence Auster's official website. He has also written for American Renaissance, a yearly magazine put out by the New Century Foundation and edited by its director Jared Taylor. LeFevre is a Protestant Christian and an Evangelical. He is descended from French Calvinist Huguenots.[3]

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