Joe Sedelmaier

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Joe Sedelmaier (born John Josef Sedelmaier on May 31, 1933 in Orrville, Ohio) is a director and producer of television commercials.

Sedelmaier is recognized as the director of some of television’s best known, and most honored commercials through humorous spots like Fed Ex’s "Fast Talking Man" and Wendy’s "Where's the beef?".

"Beginning in the 1970s, Sedelmaier a former art director at J. Walter Thompson and Young & Rubicam, gained notice for fundamentally changing the way television spots were cast and filmed. He replaced the actors who seemed too plastic, too perfect mannequins with offbeat people like Clara Peller. He directed them in a manner—doing for television what directors like Preston Sturges did for Hollywood comedies," Stuart Elliott, New York Times.

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