Joe Cinque

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Joe Cinque was a civil engineer, living in Canberra, who died in 1997 as a result of a heroin overdose administered by his girlfriend Anu Singh.

[edit] Cinque's manslaughter

Main article: Anu Singh

Cinque's death was a widely reported crime in Australia, due to its unusual circumstances, in which Singh and her friend Madhavi Rao spoke widely of Singh's plans to kill him (and possibly herself) with a heroin overdose, including hosting two dinner parties in the lead up to his death. Singh laced Cinque's coffee with Rohypnol and then injected a large dose of heroin. Singh was subsequently acquitted of murder but convicted of manslaughter over the death, and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. She was paroled after four years.

[edit] Joe Cinque's Consolation

Main article: Joe Cinque's Consolation

The incident was the basis of Australian author Helen Garner's book Joe Cinque's Consolation, which Garner ended up trying to position as partial redress to Cinque in a way that the justice system could not provide.

[edit] External links