Joe Celko

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Joe Celko is a relational database expert and author from Austin, Texas, United States. He has participated on the ANSI X3H2 Database Standards Committee, and helped write the SQL-89 and SQL-92 standards. He is the author of seven books, and over 800 published articles on SQL and other database topics.

He is credited with coining the term lasagna code and popularizing Michael J. Kamfonas' [1] Nested Sets model for trees in SQL.

Joe is often found on the Microsoft newsgroup microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming where he champions standards based design and coding. His posts are often harshly received, due to their no nonsense approach. His attention to not only offering solutions and advice, but insisting that SQL developers change their mindset from procedural programming methodology used since the days of tape based file systems to set based relational database specific thinking is a central theme of many of his posts there. Joe Celko the SQL Apprentice, a website not maintained by Celko, has been a collection of his answers in SQL newsgroups that he frequents.

[edit] Bibliography

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[edit] External links
