Jobst Bernhard von Aufsees

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Jobst Bernhard is the founder of the Aufseesianum in Bamberg
Jobst Bernhard is the founder of the Aufseesianum in Bamberg
Manor of the local nobility of Aufseß in Mengersdorf, near Mistelgau in Upper Franconia
Manor of the local nobility of Aufseß in Mengersdorf, near Mistelgau in Upper Franconia

Jobst Bernhard von Aufsees (born 28 March 1671 in Mengersdorf, died 2 April 1738) was a Canon of Bamberg and Würzburg.

[edit] Family of Aufseß

Coat of arms from the familiy of Aufseß from Siebmachers Wappenbuch (1605)
Coat of arms from the familiy of Aufseß from Siebmachers Wappenbuch (1605)

The family of Aufseß is a local Franconian nobility. The original familiy seat is in Aufseß until today. Some other members of this family got important church posts in Bamberg. Friedrich III. von Aufseß was Prince-Bishop (1421-1431). Hans von und zu Aufsess was the lead founder of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum (formerly "Germanischen Museums“) located in Nuremberg in 1852.

[edit] Founder of the Aufseesianum in Bamberg

Von Aufsees (also know as Jodocus) was baptised Lutheran, but educated as a Catholic. He is the founder of the Aufseesianum in Bamberg.

[edit] External links

This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.
