Jo Portman

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Joanna (Jo) Portman
First appearance 2005
Last appearance current
Portrayed by Miranda Raison
Gender Female
Occupation Field Operative, MI5 Counter Terrorism
Family Mother appears briefly in last episode of series 5.
Spouse(s) Unknown
Children None

Jo Portman is a fictional Field Operative of the Counter-Terrorism department of MI5, featured in the British television series, Spooks, also known as MI5 in the United States. A former journalist, she joined the team in the fifth episode of Series 4 after being recruited by Adam Carter. She is by far the most empathetic member of the team.

Throughout series 4 and 5, she is shown to be having a growing relationship with fellow MI5 member, Zafar Younis, although this has been kept to subtle flirting, Zaf did offer that she moved in with him after she explained that she was having trouble keeping secrets from her roommate when she was drunk. It is unknown if she took up the offer, although Adam said that she should. It is also hinted that she cares very deeply for her mother, who is ill.

At the end of Series 6, after Adam and Jo have been captured by the Redbacks, Jo pleads with Adam in their holding cell for him to kill her before the gang torture her. The episode concludes with Special Forces storming the house where they are being held, just as the gang are preparing to carry out the torture, and with Adam sat against a wall with a seemingly lifeless Jo in his lap. It is unknown whether Adam complied with Jo's request and killed her before she was to be tortured, as the episode ends with Adam looking into the camera with a tear on his cheek.