Jingda Expressway

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The Jingda Expressway is an expressway in the People's Republic of China, starting from Beijing and ending in Datong, in Shanxi province. It is 334 km in length and was completed in full on November 16, 2002.

The Jingda Expressway is formed mainly by the main trunk route from Beijing to Datong in three stages. Leaving Beijing, the Jingda Expressway becomes the Badaling Expressway. After Kangzhuang in Yanqing County, it becomes the Jingzhang Expressway. Finally, it becomes the Xuanda Expressway.

As of September 2004, traffic has been clogging up more and more in the area. Due to the massive transportation of coal, what was a very smooth route in the summer is now clogged up with immense traffic jams.

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