Jim Hoffman

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Jim Hoffman is a software engineer in Alameda, California, who has worked in scientific visualization and was instrumental in producing the first visualization of Costa's minimal surface. His scientific visualizations have been published in Scientific American, and Nature, among other journals.

Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, Hoffman published several websites promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories,[1][2][3][4] His primary website, 9-11 Research, serves as an archive of original news articles and alternative analyses about the attacks.[citation needed] Hoffman has also written numerous essays[5] which focus on the controlled demolition hypothesis for the collapse of the World Trade Center, and has produced a book and a video with Don Paul[6][citation needed] on the same subject.


[edit] Mathematics

Jim Hoffman has worked in applying scientific visualization of mathematics, which was instrumental in the discovery of the first new examples of complete, embedded minimal surfaces in over one hundred years. As described by Stewart Dickson:

"By the 1890s the study of minimal surfaces was thought to be exhausted — no new surfaces could be described mathematically which were non-self-intersecting (embedded) in three-space and which had vanishing mean curvature. However, in 1983 a graduate student in Rio de Janeiro named Celso Costa wrote down an equation for what he thought might be a new minimal surface, but the equations were so complex that they obscured the underlying geometry. David Hoffman at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst enlisted James Hoffman to make computer-generated pictures of Costa's surface. The pictures they made suggested, first, that the surface was probably embedded— which gave them definite clues as to the approach they should take toward proving this assertion mathematically— and, second, that the surface contained straight lines, hence symmetry by reflection through the lines."[7]

Hoffman's work has been featured in articles in Science News, Scientific American, and Nature, and he has co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules.[8] He is credited with involvement in the discovery of new, three-dimensional morphologies for modeling block co-polymers[9], such as the Split-P surface (a hybrid of the P and G triply periodic surfaces)[10], and derived the first level set formulation for the Lidinoid surface.[11]

He also is co-author of a patent for an internal combustion engine with increased thermal efficiency.[12]

[edit] September 11, 2001 attacks

Since early 2003,[13] Hoffman has been writing about the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) and other aspects of the September 11, 2001 attacks, which he believes involved insiders within the United States government.[14] He is co-author, with Don Paul, of Waking up from our Nightmare: The 9/11 Crimes in New York City, and the video, released in February, 2006, 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands. He has also given talks and been interviewed on radio shows across the US and Canada.[15] His work has examined the collapse of the smaller 7 World Trade Center, and he is critical of the official explanation of that collapse. Hoffman has also written a critique of the official National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report on the building collapses,[16] a critique of the 2006 NIST FAQ,[17] and critiques[18][19] of articles about the 9/11 conspiracy theories by the popular-science magazines Scientific American and Popular Mechanics. The Editor of Popular Mechanics, formerly of Entertainment Weekly, James B. Meigs, describes Hoffman as a "leading conspiracy theorist."[20]

Hoffman has disputed the "No Crash" theory concerning The Pentagon and in an interview with Salon, alleged ad hominen attacks on conspiracy theorists, stating, “This is just the sort of wackiness defenders of the Official Story harp on to show how gullible and incompetent we conspiracy theorists are supposed to be.”[3]

Dr. Steven E. Jones, a physicist formerly with Brigham Young University, has credited Hoffman's WTC7.net website and described his work as an inspiration for conducting his own analysis of the WTC building collapses. Hoffman's book and websites are cited in Jones' essay "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?".[21] Hoffman has also been cited by author David Ray Griffin.[22]

Hoffman has been very critical of what he considers the more extreme 9/11 conspiracy theories. In particular he does not endorse the theory that the Pentagon was hit by something other than an airplane,[23] and his website has a detailed critique of the documentary Loose Change.[24]

[edit] 9/11 Guilt: The Proof Is In Your Hands

In a 2006 DVD collaboration with Don Paul, 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands, Hoffman produced a section entitled 'Proving Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers.'[25] In his presentation, Hoffman offers five "features" and then five 'proofs' of demolition along with some pointed graphics. "He shows beyond question, I think, that all three buildings were taken down by different methods of controlled demolition," according to Paul, who added "The Twin Towers were exploded as no buildings have been before or since and about seven hours later World Trade Center Building 7 was imploded in a classic, conventional demolition."[26]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Meigs, James B.. "The Conspiracy Industry", Popular Mechanics, October 13, 2006. 
  2. ^ Mark, Jacobson. "The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll", Feature, New York Magazine, Inc., 2006-03-27. Retrieved on 2006-08-25. 
  3. ^ a b Manjoo, Farhad. "The 9/11 deniers", Feature, Salon.com, Inc., 2006-06-27. Retrieved on 2006-08-21. 
  4. ^ Hoffman, Jim (March 1, 2007). Repudiations. Retrieved on 2007-03-13.
  5. ^ 9-11 Research Essays by Jim Hoffman
  6. ^ wtc7.net store
  7. ^ Article on scientific visualization
  8. ^ 9-11 Research - About 9-11 Research
  9. ^ Computer graphics tools for the study of minimal surfaces
  10. ^ The Split P Surface
  11. ^ The Lidinoid Surface
  12. ^ US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database - patent 4,584,972
  13. ^ 9-11 Research - About Jim Hoffman
  14. ^ 9-11 Research - The 9/11/01 Attack: Means, Motive, and Precedent
  15. ^ 9-11 Research - Talks and Radio Interviews
  16. ^ 9-11 Research - Building a Better Mirage: NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century
  17. ^ A Reply to the National Institute for Standards and Technology's 'Answers to Frequently Asked Questions'
  18. ^ 9-11 Research - Scientific American's Dishonest Attack On 911Research
  19. ^ 9-11 Research - Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man
  20. ^ Meigs, James B. (2006). The Conspiracy Industry. Science. Hearst Communications, Inc.. Retrieved on 2006-10-16.
  21. ^ "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?" by Steven E. Jones
  22. ^ Ray Griffin, David (2004). The New Pearl Harbor. Interlink. ISBN 1-56656-552-9. 
  23. ^ 9-11 Research - 9-11 Research Does Not Endorse No-Jetliner Theories
  24. ^ 9-11 Research - Sifting Through Loose Change: The 9-11 Research Companion to Loose Change Second Edition
  25. ^ Toward Freedom - 9/11 Guilt: An Interview with DVD Producer Don Paul
  26. ^ Toward Freedom: 9/11 Guilt: An Interview with DVD Producer Don Paul

[edit] Publications

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Websites designed by Hoffman

[edit] Audio

[edit] Video

  • [1] - Jim Hoffman WTC 9/11 Demolition Analysis video