
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey there, I'm Jibbon (well I'm actually not, but I can say I am can't I?).

This is my first attempt at editing a Wikipage. Frankly, I don't know much on any topics to warrant creating or heavily editing anything, but I may correct grammar and spelling on occasion.

My interests are (in no particular order):

I am married and I have no kids. I work at a school and fix computer problems for the little punks dears.

I'm not sure of wiki etiquette (or even how to spell etiquette), and I'd like to post a picture of my wife and me, but I'm not sure I want to waste wiki server space on such a useless thing. Maybe over time I'll learn what is right and wrong.

Anyhoo, that's me in a nutshell. Hope your not here to read up on me cause you hate my work. Hope all my edits are helpful. Drop a note somehow. See you.