
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] About this user

 Jianghuali is a fictional name. The user, you will find, speaks in 3rd person a lot. She wishes her name to remain anonymous. Throughout this article, you will find the user Jianghuali to be called Jian for short. 
 Jian lives in one of the five boroughs of New York in the United States of America. She is Chinese American and is currently a "scholar." She enjoys reading, photography, art, math, foreign studies, and science. Jian is not sure of what she wants to be when she grows up, but she likes apple pie a lot. One of Jian's most overused phrases are, "That was random..." Jian would have used that phrase right now.

[edit] About this user in the 1st person

  Hello. My name you will not know. My pseudynom is Jian for now. Anyway, I live in one of the five boroughs of New York and I am very concerned about global warming. I am a "Neo-Christian" as I call it, who believes that God is a kind god who makes everything happen and appears in different forms of himself. I also believe in reincarnation. And I like apple pie. =)
 Some of my favorite books are:

  • Little Women
  • Peter Pan
  • The Joy Luck Club
  • Hooray for Diffendoofer Day
  • The Harry Potter Series

  I still wonder how to add pictures to pages...
  If you know, please tell me.
  Thanks. Back to the third person.

[edit] About this user (continued)

 Jian is very tired. It is 10:35p.m. right now. But she will inform you about other things. She has 2 contributions to Wikipedia: An article about the Petrides School and this page. Jian is still thinking of what else to contribute to Wikipedia and how to put pictures onto pages. She wishes you well, and thus, here ends this page.