Wikipedia:Jewish Encyclopedia topics/W

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[edit] Section 1

  1. Wa-ani Tefillati JE The introduction to the reading of the lesson before the afternoon prayer on the Sabbath. Among the Ashkenazim it is ......
  2. Wachnacht JE The Judæo-German term for the night preceding the day of circumcision, spent in feasting and the recitation of hymns and ......
  3. Johann Christoph Wagenseil JE German Christian Hebraist; born at Nuremberg Nov. 26, 1633; died at Altdorf Oct. 9, 1705. In 1667 he was made ......
  4. Abraski Wahl JE
  5. Moritz Callmann Wahl JE German writer; born March 28, 1829, at Sondershausen; died Oct. 15, 1887. He studied Oriental languages at Leipsic under Julius ......
  6. Adolphus Walhtuch JE English physician; born in Odessa, Russia, 1837. He studied medicine at Kiev, Prague, and London (M.D., L.R.C.P., 1863), and then ......
  7. Mark Wahltuch JE Russian philosopher and author; born at Odessa 1830; died at Pisa Jan. 27, 1901. He resided for many years in ......
  8. Die Wahrheit JE
  9. Solomon Elijah Wakrulkar JE Beni-Israel soldier; enlisted in the Nineteenth Regiment Native (Indian) Infantry Sept. 25, 1838. He was promoted jemidar Jan. 1, 1853; ......
  10. Aaron ben Isaiah Nathan Walden JE Polish Talmudist, editor, and author; born at Warsaw about 1835. Walden, who is an ardent adherent of Ḥasidism, is known ......
  11. Louis Waldenburg JE German physician; born at Filehne, Posen, July 31, 1837; died at Berlin April 14, 1881; educated at the University of ......
  12. B. Waldow JE
  13. Jacob Waley JE English lawyer and professor of political economy; born in London March 17, 1819; died there June, 1873. He was the ......
  14. Simon Waley JE English merchant, musician, and communal worker; born in London Aug. 23, 1827; died there Dec. 30, 1875; younger son of ......
  15. Abraham ben Asher Wallerstein JE German scholar and rabbi of the eighteenth century; officiated in Schnaittach, Bavaria. He was the author of the following works: ......
  16. Walozin JE
  17. Bryan Walton JE Christian Hebraist; born in 1600 at Hilton, Yorkshire, England; died in London Nov. 29, 1661; educated at Magdalene and Peterhouse ......
  18. Wandsbeck JE Town in Sleswick-Holstein, near Hamburg. About the year 1600 Count Breido Rantzau, owner of the estate of Wandsbeck, allowed Jews ......
  19. Lord Sidney Stern Wandsworth JE English banker and peer; born in London 1845; son of Viscount de Stern, senior partner of the firm of Stern ......
  20. Eliakim Getschlik Wanefrieden JE Dayyan and preacher in Amsterdam about the end of the eighteenth century. He published a pamphlet entitled "Megillat Sefer" (Amsterdam, ......
  21. Warranty of Title JE The Hebrew term for warranty of title is V12p467001.jpg (= "future"), the same word denoting the force of an attested ......
  22. Rosa Warrens JE Swedish poet and translator; born at Karlskrona Feb. 24, 1821; died at Copenhagen Nov. 8, 1878. At the age of ......
  23. Warschauer Jüdische Zeitung JE
  24. Mark Samoilovich Warshawski JE Russian writer; born at Kherson in 1853. He received his early education at a gymnasium in St. Petersburg, and then ......
  25. Silleman Abajee Wasker (Solomon Abraham) JE Beni-Israel soldier; died about 1850. He enlisted in the Third Regiment Native (Indian) Light Infantry, Jan. 1, 1809, and was ......
  26. Hermann Wassertrilling (Tzebi Hirsch ben Nathan; Zebi Hirsch ben Nathan) JE Austrian Hebraist; flourished in the nineteenth century; born at Boskowitz, Moravia. He officiated as teacher in the Jewish school of ......

[edit] Section 2

  1. Haim Wasserzug JE English ḥazzan and composer; born at Sheritz, Prussian Poland, 1822; died at Brighton, England, Aug. 24, 1882. As a child ......
  2. Watch-Night JE
  3. Feat of Water-Drawing JE At the morning service on each of the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) a libation of water ......
  4. Water-Rights JE
  5. Wave-Offering JE
  6. Hippolite Henrichovich Wawelberg JE Russian banker; born at Warsaw 1844; died at St. Petersburg Oct. 20, 1901. After graduating from the real-gymnasium of Warsaw ......
  7. Lewis Way JE English clergyman; born at Denham, Bucks, England, Feb. 11, 1772; died in London Jan. 26, 1840. He was educated at ......
  8. Wayehi 'Ereb JE One of the "nedarim," or special declamatory variations from the strict Cantillation of the Pentateuch, according to the Northern use. ......
  9. Wayekullu JE The concluding verses of the story of Creation, deemed from Talmudic times an essential portion of the prayers for Friday ......
  10. Wayiqra Rabbah (Wayikra Rabbah) JE Haggadic midrash to Leviticus. Under the name "Wayiḳra Rabbah" this midrash is first referred to by Nathan, in his " ......
  11. We-Adar JE
  12. We-'Al Kullom JE The brief prayer which interrupts and divides into three sections the longer confession of sins enumerated in alphabetical order (see ......
  13. Weather-Lore JE Popular prognostications regarding the weather. A certain number of these occur in the Talmud (B. B. 147a). If the weather ......
  14. Der Wecker JE
  15. Weekblad voor Israelieten JE
  16. We-Hizhir JE
  17. Wehu Rachum (Wehu Rahum) JE A prayer, beginning with Ps. lxxviii. 38, recited on Mondays and Thursdays before Taḥanun. It is composed chiefly of Biblical ......
  18. Weiberdeutsch JE
  19. Anton Weichselbaum JE Austrian physician; born at Schiltern, Lower Austria, Feb. 8, 1845. Educated at the Josefs-Akademie and the University of Vienna (M.D. ......
  20. Adolf Weil JE German physician; born at Heidelberg Feb. 7, 1848. Educated at the universities of Heidelberg, Berlin, and Vienna (M.D. 1871), he ......
  21. Gustav Weil JE German Orientalist; born in Sulzburg, Baden, April 25, 1808; died at Freiburgim-Breisgau Aug. 29, 1889. Being destined for the rabbinate, ......
  22. Jacob Weil JE German rabbi and Talmudist; flourished during the first half of the fifteenth century. Of his life no details are known, ......
  23. Jacob Weil JE German educationist and writer; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main 1792; died there Nov. 18, 1864. His first work was "Fragmente aus Talmud ......
  24. Karl Weil JE Austrian physician; born at Altsattel, Bohemia, March 19, 1844. He studied medicine at the universities of Prague and Vienna(M.D. 1867). ......
  25. Karl, Ritter von Weil JE Austrian journalist; born in Württemberg, Germany; died at Vienna Jan. 7, 1878. He studied law at the University of Freiburg ......
  26. Nethaneel Weil JE Rabbi and Talmudist; born at Stühlingen in 1687; died at Rostadt May 7, 1769; son of Naphtali Hirsch Weil. His ......
  27. Simeon Hirsch Weil JE German scholar; son of Nethaneel Weil; lived in Carlsruhe in the eighteenth century. He published his father's "Netib Ḥayyim," "Torat ......
  28. Tiah Weil (Jedidiah Weil) JE German rabbi; born at Prague Oct. 2, 1721; died at Carlsruhe Oct. 10, 1805. He was the son of Nethaneel ......
  29. Alexandre Weill (Alexandre Abraham Weil) JE French writer; born at Schirhoffen, Alsace, May 10, 1811; died at Paris Oct. 18, 1898; grandson of R. Abraham Kellermeister. ......
  30. Anselme Weill JE French physician; born at Bischheim, Alsace, Aug. 24, 1842. He received his education at the lyceum of Strasburg and the ......
  31. Emanuel Weill JE French rabbi; born at Ensisheim, Alsace, Oct. 21, 1841; educated at the bet ha-midrash of Colmar and the Séminaire Israélite ......
  32. Mathieu Weill JE French mathematician; born at Hagenau, Alsace, May 24, 1851; educated in the lyceums of Burg and Strasburg, at the Polytechnique ......
  33. Michel Aaron Weill JE French rabbi; born at Strasburg July 19, 1814; died at Paris Jan. 6, 1889. He was educated at the Ecole ......
  34. Lazare Jean Weiller JE French manufacturer and author; born at Schlettstadt, Alsace, July 20, 1858; educated at the Lycée Saint-Louis of Paris and at ......
  35. Pauline Weiller JE American pianist; born in Stuttgart April 22, 1839; died in Baltimore, Md., Dec. 28, 1874; eldest daughter of Moritz Eichberg, ......
  36. Paul Weinberg JE Russian writer; born at Odessa about 1840. His father, Isaiah Weinberg, adopted Christianity. Unlike his brothers, Peter Weinberg, a prominent ......

[edit] Section 3

  1. Weinberge JE
  2. Felix Alphonse Weingaertner JE French musician and composer; born at Nantes May 5, 1844. The son of a musician, he received his early education ......
  3. Hirz Weisel JE
  4. Adolphe Weiss JE French painter; born at Budapest May 11, 1838. He was educated at the School of Fine Arts in Vienna, and ......
  5. Isaac Hirsch Weiss JE Austrian Talmudist and historian of literature; born at Gross Meseritsch, Moravia, Feb. 9, 1815; died at Vienna June 1, 1905. ......
  6. Leopold W. Weiss JE German ophthalmologist; born at Giessen 1849. He was educated at the universities of Giessen (M.D. 1874), Tübingen, and Vienna; and ......
  7. Wilhelm Weiss JE Austrian mathematician; born at Ridka, Bohemia, Feb. 3, 1859; died at Prague June 18, 1904. He received his early education ......
  8. Isaac Jacob Weissberg JE Russo-Hebrew writer and pedagogue; born at Polonki, government of Minsk, 1841; died at Kiev 1904. He received his preliminary training ......
  9. Samuel Abramowitch Weissenberg JE Russian physician and anthropologist; born in Yelizavetgrad, South Russia, Dec. 16, 1867. He attended the public school and the real-school ......
  10. Asher (Arthur) Simchah Weissmann (Asher (Arthur) Simhah Weissmann) JE Austrian scholar and publicist; born at Zelynia, Galicia, April 21, 1840; died at Vienna May 14, 1892. He received a ......
  11. Marcus Weissmann-Chajes JE Austrian scholar; born at Tarnow, Galicia, 1830. He was destined for a rabbinical career, and began early to receive instruction ......
  12. Song of the Well JE A poem which is quoted in Num. xxi. 17, 18. It is introduced in a list of the encampments made ......
  13. Well-Poisoning JE
  14. Die Welt Ours is about another newspaper JE Zionist periodical, published weekly at Vienna (it is arranged to remove its headquarters to Berlin in 1906). The first number ......
  15. Samuel Weltsch JE Austrian cantor; born at Prague Sept. 12, 1835; died in that city Aug. 5, 1901. Belonging to a family of ......
  16. Baruch Werber JE Austrian Hebraist; born at Brody, Galicia, in the beginning of the nineteenth century; died there July 31, 1876. Werber, who ......
  17. Jacob Werber JE Austrian Hebraist; born at Brody, Galicia, Feb. 4, 1859; died there Aug. 20, 1890; son of Baruch Werber. When only ......
  18. Judah Wernikovski JE Russian Talmudical educator; born in Slonim, government of Grodno, 1823; died in Jerusalem Feb. 20, 1901. In his childhood he ......
  19. John Wertheimer JE English printer; born in London at the close of the eighteenth century; died there Dec. 18, 1883; senior member of ......
  20. Baruch Bendet ben Reuben Wesel JE German rabbi and scholar; born at Wesel in the latter half of the seventeenth century; died at Breslau in the ......
  21. We-Shameru JE Quotation from the Pentateuch, recited before the "'Amidah" in the Sabbath evening service, and repeated in the domestic Ḳiddush on ......
  22. Hartwig Wessely JE
  23. Moritz August Wessely JE German physician; born at Bleicherode, near Erfurt, Oct. 15, 1800; died at Nordhausen March 7, 1850; nephew of Naphtali Hirz ......
  24. Naphtali Hirz (Hartwig) Wessely JE German Hebraist and educationist; born at Hamburg 1725; died there Feb. 28, 1805. One of his ancestors, Joseph Reis, fled ......
  25. Wolfgang Wessely JE Austrian jurist and theologian; born at Trebitsch, Moravia, Oct. 22, 1801; died at Vienna April 21, 1870. At the age ......
  26. We-Ye'etayu JE A piyyuṭ, by Eleazar Ḳalir (Zunz, "Literaturgesch." p. 21), chanted by the ḥazzan during the Musaf service on the days ......
  27. Max Weyl JE American painter; born at Mühlen, Württemberg, in 1840. At the age of fifteen he went to the United States, but ......
  28. Meïr b. Simchah Weyl (Meïr b. Simhah Weyl) JE German rabbi; born at Lissa 1744; died at Berlin 1826. He was a pupil of Hirsch Janow. In 1771 he ......
  29. Walter Edward Weyl JE American economist; born at Philadelphia, Pa., March 11, 1874. He was educated in the public schools of his native city ......
  30. Fernand Georges Widal JE French physician; born at Paris March 9, 1862. From 1886 to 1888 he devoted himself to public demonstrations of the ......

[edit] Section 4

  1. Widdui JE
  2. Adolf Wiener JE German rabbi; born in Murowana-Goslin, Posen, 1811; died in Oppeln, Prussian Silesia, Aug. 25, 1895. Having acquired his diploma as ......
  3. Aloys Wiener JE
  4. Der Israelit Wiener JE
  5. Jacques Wiener JE Belgian engraver; born at Hoorstgen, Rhine Province, 1815; died at Brussels Nov. 3, 1899. When thirteen years of age he ......
  6. Wiener Jahrbuch JE
  7. Wiener Jüdische Illustrirte Presse JE
  8. Wiener Jüdische Presse JE
  9. Wiener Jüdische Zeitung JE
  10. Leo Wiener JE American philologist; born at Byelostok, Grodno, Russia, July 27, 1862; studied in the gymnasia of Minsk and Warsaw, in the ......
  11. Leopold Wiener JE Belgian engraver and sculptor; born in Holland 1823; died at Brussels Jan. 24, 1891. He was a resident of Boitsfort, ......
  12. Meïr Wiener JE German teacher; born at Glogau June 3, 1819; died at Hanover March 31, 1880; head master of the religious school ......
  13. Wiener Mittheilungen JE
  14. Wiener Monatsblätter für Kunst und Litteratur JE
  15. Wiener Vierteljahrsschrift JE
  16. Joseph Wieniawski JE Russian pianist and composer; born at Lublin, Poland, May 23, 1837; brother of Henri Wieniawski. He studied music under Zimmerman, ......
  17. Peter Wiernik JE Russo-American journalist; born at Wilna, Russia, in March, 1865. He received the customary Jewish education. From 1878 to 1882 he ......
  18. Adolf Wiesner JE Austrian journalist and author; born in Prague 1807; died in New York Sept. 23, 1867. His name was originally Wiener, ......
  19. Judah Wiga JE Polish preacher of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The name so written is given by Sternberg ("Gesch. der Juden in ......
  20. Ludwig Wihl JE German poet and philologist; born at Wevelingen, Prussia, Oct. 24, 1807; died at Brussels Jan. 16, 1882; educated at Krefeld, ......
  21. Ernest Julius Wilczynski JE American mathematician; born in Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 13, 1876. He went with his parents in 1885 to America, where he ......
  22. Wild Ass Ours is about something else JE Rendering used in Gen. xvi. 12 (R. V.), Job vi. 5, xi. 12, xxiv. 5, xxxix. 5, Ps. civ. 11, ......
  23. Wild Bull JE
  24. Wild Ox JE
  25. Wilhelm Eduard Wilda JE German jurist; born at Altona Aug. 17, 1800; died at Kiel Aug. 9, 1856; educated at the Johanneum of Hamburg ......
  26. Wanderings in the Wilderness JE Next to the Exodus, the remembrance of the wanderings in the desert for a period corresponding to the life of ......
  27. Wilenkin JE
  28. Gregory Wilenkin JE Russian government official; born at Tsarskoye-Selo, near St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb. 22, 1864. He is a member of an ancient ......
  29. Max, Ritter von Wilmersdörffer JE Bavarian financier and philanthropist; born at Bayreuth April 8, 1824; died at Munich Dec. 26, 1903. At an early age ......
  30. Abraham Wilna JE

[edit] Section 5

  1. Max Winkler - Ours is about German politician - JE American philologist; born at Cracow, Austria, Sept. 4, 1866; educated at the gymnasium of Cracow, Hughes High School (Cincinnati, Ohio), ......
  2. Wilhelm Winternitz JE Austrian physician and hydropathist; born at Josefstadt, Bohemia, March 1, 1835; educated at Vienna and at Prague (M. D. 1857), ......
  3. Simon, Freiherr von Winterstein JE Austrian railroad magnate; born at Prague 1819; died at Vöslau June 11, 1883. The son of poor parents, he had ......
  4. Wisdom of God JE
  5. Leo Wise JE American journalist and publisher; born at Albany Oct. 28, 1849; son of Isaac Mayer Wise. He was educated at St. ......
  6. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Jüdische Theologie JE
  7. Kalonymos Zeeb Wolf Wissotzky JE Russian philanthropist; born in Zhagory, government of Kovno, July 8, 1824; died at Moscow May 24, 1904. Wissotzky, whose father ......
  8. Wochenblatt für die Familie JE
  9. Jules Wogue JE French author; son of Lazare Wogue; born in Paris Dec. 4, 1863; educated at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in his ......
  10. Lazare Eliezer Wogue JE French rabbi; born at Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, July 22, 1817; died at Paris April 14, 1897; educated at the Lycée Charlemagne ......
  11. Jetty Wohllerner JE Galician Hebrew writer; born at Lemberg in 1813; died there in 1891. When a little girl of eight, Jetty, after ......
  12. Aaron Benjamin Wolf JE
  13. Abraham Nathan Wolf JE German scholar; born at Dessau in 1751; died there in 1784. On account of his liberal views he was highly ......
  14. Adolph Grant Wolf JE American jurist; born at Washington, D. C., Jan. 11, 1869; educated at Johns Hopkins University (A.B. 1890) and at the ......
  15. Emma Wolf JE American authoress; born June 15, 1865, in San Francisco, Cal., to which city her parents had migrated from France, and ......
  16. George Garcia Wolf JE South-African merchant, and member of the Cape Parliament; born at Great Yarmouth 1838; died in London March 18, 1899. He ......
  17. Gerson Wolf JE Austrian historian and educator; born at Holleschau, Moravia, July 16, 1823; died in Vienna Oct. 29, 1892. He began the ......
  18. Hirsch W. Wolf JE German physician; born at Lobsens, Posen, 1738; died at Hamburg April 14, 1820; studied at the University of Giessen (M.D. ......
  19. Johann Christoph Wolf JE Christian Hebraist and polyhistor; born at Wernigerode Feb. 21, 1683; died at Hamburg July 25, 1739. He studied at Wittenberg, ......
  20. Wolf ben Joseph of Dessau JE German scholar and author; born at Dessau in 1762; died there March 16, 1826. Left an orphan at an early ......
  21. Max Wolf - Ours is about German austronom - JE Austrian composer; born at Weisskirchen, Moravia, Feb., 1840; died in Vienna March 23, 1886. His father, a wealthy business man, ......
  22. Simon Wolf JE American jurist, publicist, and philanthropist; born at Hinzweiler, Bavaria, Oct. 28, 1836; emigrated to the United States in 1848 and ......
  23. Martha Wolfenstein JE American authoress; born at Insterburg, Prussia, Aug. 5, 1869. During her infancy her parents emigrated to the United States, settling ......
  24. Wolff - Ours is a dab page - JE American family which derives its origin from the Robles family of Surinam, Dutch Guiana. The following is the family tree:Wolff ......
  25. Aaron Wolff JE Danish merchant; born in the Island of Saint Christopher on Aug. 6, 1795; died in London, England, Jan. 12, 1872. ......
  26. Abraham Alexander Wolff JE German rabbi; born at Darmstadt April 29, 1801; died at Copenhagen Dec. 3, 1891. His first teacher was his father, ......
  27. Joseph Wolff - Ours is about rabbi Joseph Wolff - JE Russian historian; born at St. Petersburg; died at Heidelberg 1900. The son of a book-dealer, he early developed a passion ......

[edit] Section 6

  1. Maurice Wolff JE Swedish rabbi; born in 1824 at Meseritz, Prussia, where his father officiated as rabbi. He studied at the universities of ......
  2. Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff JE German improvisator and novelist; born at Altona July 26, 1799; died at Jena Sept. 13, 1851. He early manifested an ......
  3. Ulla Wolff JE German authoress; born at Gleiwitz, Silesia, April 2, 1850; daughter of Max Hirschfeld. She received her education at home and ......
  4. Isaac Wolffson JE German jurist and politician; born Jan. 19, 1817; died at Hamburg Oct. 12, 1895. He was prominent in German politics, ......
  5. Wolfkan of Ratisbon JE Jewish convert to Christianity and traducer of the Jews; lived in the second half of the fifteenth century. He was ......
  6. Wolflein of Lochamen (Wolflein of Lochheim) JE Medieval Bavarian litterateur; known for his compilation of the so-called "Lochheimer Liederbuch" (about 1450), a collection of medieval German folk-songs, ......
  7. Bernard Wölfler JE Austrian physician; born at Praschnoaugezd, Bohemia, Dec. 8, 1816. After having studied philosophy at the gymnasium of Prague, he attended ......
  8. Aaron Wolfsohn JE
  9. Wilhelm Wolfsohn JE German poet and essayist; born at Odessa Oct. 20, 1820; died at Dresden Aug. 13, 1865; studied medicine and philosophy ......
  10. Leone Wollemborg JE Italian economist; born at Padua 1859; graduated from the university of his native city (1878). He made a special study ......
  11. Anton Eduard W. da Fonesca Wollheim JE German playwright and journalist; born in Hamburg Feb. 12, 1810; died in Berlin Oct. 24, 1884; studied at the University ......
  12. Wolowski JE Polish family, several members of which became converted to Christianity. It flourished in southern Poland in the seventeenth and eighteenth ......
  13. Michael Wolper JE Russian educator and author; born in Wilna 1852; educated in the rabbinical school of his native city. He was graduated ......
  14. Creation of Woman JE
  15. Rights of Woman JE The problem of the rights of woman in Jewish law and custom is presented mainly in five phases: (1) the ......
  16. Wood Festival JE
  17. Albert Edward Woolf JE American chemist and inventor; born in New York Sept. 26, 1846; educated in the public schools of that city and ......
  18. Edward Woolf JE American musician and novelist; born in London, England, Sept., 1803; died in New York March 14, 1882. After acting as ......
  19. Sidney Woolf JE English lawyer; born in London 1844; died March 12, 1892; educated at Neumegen's school and at University College, London. After ......
  20. Worms - Ours is a dab page - JE Frankfort and English family, tracing its descent from Aaron Worms of Frankfort-on-the-Main in the middle of the eighteenth century. Aaron's ......
  21. Aaron Worms JE
  22. Asher Anshel Worms JE German physician, mathematician, and Hebraist; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main toward the end of the seventeenth century; died there in 1769. Worms ......
  23. Émile Worms JE French jurist; born at Frisange, Luxembourg, May 23, 1838; educated at the University of Heidelberg and at Paris (LL.D. 1864). ......
  24. Gustave-Hippolyte Worms JE French actor; born in Paris March 21, 1837. He was graduated from the Conservatoire in 1857, winning the first prize ......
  25. Baron Henry de Worms JE
  26. Jules Worms JE French physician; born in Paris Jan. 24, 1830; died there April 15, 1898; educated at the University of Strasburg (M.D. ......
  27. Jules Worms JE French genre painter; born in Paris Dec. 16, 1832. He studied under Philippon and Lafosse, and made his début at ......
  28. Maurice Benedict de Worms JE English financier and agriculturist; born in Frankfort-on-the-Main 1805; died in London 1867; grandson of Meyer Anselm de Rothschild, and son ......
  29. Baron Solomon Benedict de Worms JE English financier; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main Feb. 5, 1801; died at Brighton, England, Oct. 20, 1882; son of Benedict de Worms ......
  30. Victor Worms JE French lawyer; younger brother of Emile Worms; born at Luxembourg Nov. 16, 1853; educated at Paris and Rennes ("docteur en ......
  31. André Alphonse Wormser JE French composer; born in Paris Nov. 1, 1851; studied at the Paris Conservatoire under Bazin and Marmontel. In 1875 he ......
  32. Idol-Worship (Idolatry) JE All idolatrous cults are condemned by the Biblical insistence on worship of Yhwh only. The Decalogue begins with the command ......
  33. Written Instruments JE
  34. Reuben Joseph Wunderbar JE Russian pedagogue and author; born at Mitau Sept. 12, 1812; died there Aug. 16, 1868. He received the usual Jewish ......
  35. August Wünsche JE German Christian Hebraist; born at Hainewalde July 22, 1839. He has devoted his attention almost exclusively to rabbinic literature. After ......
  36. Julius Würzburger JE American journalist; born in Bayreuth, Germany, 1819; died in New York city Sept. 14, 1876; studied at the University of ......